Who am I?

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This is an original story that I wrote for the fun of it, so I thought I'd post it here. This will just be copy-pasted from a google doc. so if there are any errors, I apologize. Let me know what you think, if you have feedback please try to make it constructive. Thank you.

The street was quiet, despite it being the middle of the day. The houses all neatly lined up with no lights on, except one. In this house, a... person lived. They loved the light, but hated the outside. So, instead of going outside, they just kept all their lights on. Even at night.

    This person lived alone, and nobody ever visited them. Because of this, they forgot their own name. Nobody ever said it to them, and they didn't use their own name, so it had been buried in the sands of memories and forgotten.

    "I wonder what my name was?" They wondered aloud one day. "I haven't heard it since... Well, since..." They paused, not bothering to finish their sentence. The house was cold and had been for some time, the heat was off as the person remembered that it had broken after the... incident. And everyone that the person had ever known was gone. However, they did have one memory before the incident. Everyone that was at that street was out in the city... the big city... The last memory the person had ever had...

    The lights were bright and ------s mom was working her 1st story bakery. The bakery smell of freshly baked cake, cookies, and other delicious baked goods. Along with the smell the bakery was bright, as the front wall was a huge glass window with a glass, swinging door.

    "Hey------!" Their mom shouted, "Can you get me some more flour from the back, I don't have enough for this cake!"

    "Okay Mom!"-------- shouted back.

    After getting the flour -------s friends came into the bakery. They all had looks of delight on their faces at the sweet smells and inviting atmosphere of the bakery.

    "Hi ------! Hi -------s mom!" They all said in unison. Turning to each other they all burst out laughing at the surprising unison sentences. The hilarity of the situation made ------- and their mom join in laughing to. After a while the laughter stopped, as they had no breath left.

    Being brought out of their memory ------ found that they were crying. They hadn't seen their friends since something they heard referred to as "the incident." They knew it had to do with them, but they couldn't remember it.    

    "What happened?" ------- whispered to their walls. "Can someone tell me what happened? Please? PLEASE?!"

    Suddenly, upstairs they heard a noise, a thud if you will. They walked up the stairs to find a knife on the ground. This knife seemed very familiar. ------- went to go to pick up the knife. However, as soon as they touched the knife, as if a spell had been broken, they were reliving a memory. A memory from a long time ago. A very important memory. The incident.

    ------- was crying their eyes out. They had come home from a school day of being bullied by some of the jocks at school for bringing their picture of their mother to school. Then they found that their mother wasn't home. Later, they got a call from the police informing them that their mother had been found dead next to a note saying "Don't tell anyone." They were alone, being an only child and having never known their father. They, at first were shocked, not quite sad, just unable to comprehend what had just happened. Then the realization happened, they would never see their mother again. Now they were in their their room crying and crying.

    'What purpose do I have?' They thought, 'Why do I have to exist without her?'

    Then, suddenly a mysterious person came into their house.

    "Why hello there Ainsley" The mysterious person said.

    "Why are you here, get out or I'm calling the police!" Ainsley threatened.

    "Why Ainsley, I'm your father. You wouldn't do that to your father, would you?" The man said innocently.

    "My mother just died! I don't want to see you! I've never even met you before now!" Ainsley screamed at him.

    Dropping his act, the stranger grinned, "Well, if your mother is dead...

Say hi to her for me"

Then, out of nowhere the stranger plunged the knife, that he had been hiding behind his back, into Ainsley's chest. He then disappeared as they slowly slipped from consciousness. The last thing they saw being the house that they would never see again.

Ainsley was pulled out of their memory, remembering the moment that a stranger came into their house and murdered them, now knowing the pain of not being able to see their mother again, not because she is dead, but because they can never leave their house. For when you are haunting a house, you can never leave.

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