Prinxeity Room Part 3

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OMG I just realized something and I feel so bad!! Anyway I'll put what I forgot now Trigger Warning: Self-Deprication, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide, Major Chararcter Death

Roman's POV

'I can't believe I did that'

Why would I confess to him! He saw the pictures! What am I going to do! He probably thinks I'm a creep! He probably thinks I'm some egotistical, unforgiving, judging prince who is completely infatuated with him! Oh wait...

... I am.

I'm just some egomaniac who is undeserving of his love and of this world.

That's why I'm about to do this.

The bottle of painkillers in my hand was my salvation. I had control. I could say whether I live or die. I have that power. I have that control. And I choose...

...death.(I've never overdosed so if I get this wrong I'm sorry)

I swallowed the pills with the help of some water that I conjured up. I didn't immediately get hit by the effects... but they came.

I got dizzy, my vision going black at the edges. Then came the pain. A streaking pain that shot from my stomach, through my spine, up to my brain. I endured it for what felt like 5 minutes before I blacked out.

Virgil's POV

He likes me? Roman likes me? ROMAN LIKES ME?! W-What? H-How? And why did he disappear like that?

Suddenly I felt a wave of self-deprecation wash over me.




Of no use to Thomas

He'll never love you

Take the pills!

Take the pills!

Take the pills!!

I didn't have any pills, wait...



I sank down suddenly, much to the surprise of the others, but I don't care. As clueless, and annoying, and creepy as he can get, I STILL LOVE THAT STUPID PRINCE! AND I WILL SAVE HIM IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!

-Time Skip-

"ROMAN! ROOOMMAAANN!" God, I've been searching for hours, My vision is starting to get white spots on it. Wait no, there's only one. Wait, THAT'S ROMAN!

He's laying on the ground, bags under his eyes, messy hair, an empty painkiller bottle in his hand, pail sk- WAIT! AN EMPTY PAINKILLER BOTTLE!!

I suddenly burst into tears as I realize what he did. He overdosed.

I check his heart rate, "Please still be alive. Please still be alive. Please."


He was gone. Roman was gone.

Thomas's POV

It's been awhile since Virgil left. Logan, Patton, and I decided to let Roman and Virgil have their moment.

Then suddenly, Anxiety rose up, holding a lifeless, pale, messy Roman.

Time seemed to stop, then move really fast, then stop again. Patton burst into tears, Virgil had broken down sobbing as soon as he saw us, Logan started crying, and I was still in shock, before also breaking down into a sobbing mess.

Roman's POV

"I'm sorry"

3rd Person POV

That day,

Roman lost his life,

Virgil lost his true love,

Logan lost his brother,

Patton lost his son,

And Thomas lost a piece of himself.

Sorry for making you guys sad but I had to, don't worry I will write an alternate ending where Roman lives but I had to depress y'all first. Also, insertpunhere0 and StarOfLightning this is for your angst war. I would love to join.

Well I guess I'll...

See you in the books!!

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