Deceit's song

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Small A/N before I start. I'm sorry if my completely random posting is off-putting, but I don't think I can be any more consistent. If enough people request for me to be more consistent, then I may try. However, for now, you're stuck with completely random posting. That's all, enjoy!

3rd Person POV

The sides were each sitting in their separate spots across the common room. Patton was seated in his cushioned, spiny chair, spinning it around every so often to keep himself entertained. When he was not spinning, his eyes were glued to the screen, which had a Disney movie playing for obvious reasons. Logan was sat in the seat next to Patton, a comfortable recliner. He was reading a copy of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales, which he had sworn to keep out of Patton and Roman's hands. Speaking of Roman, he was next down the line, he was sitting on what was basically a throne, watching the movie with the most intent possible, however, occasionally glancing at Virgil. Virgil was sat on a table, scrolling through Tumblr. He wasn't paying much attention to anything but his phone until he heard faint singing from somewhere in the mind.

¨Can you guys hear that?¨ Virgil asked the others, looking up from his phone.

¨If you are talking about the singing coming from downstairs, then yes, I can hear it as well,̈  was Logan ́s response

Roman was next to join in on the conversation. ¨Should we check it out?¨

¨I want to see who it is!¨ came Patton ́s overly cheery response.

All of the sides came to an agreement to investigate the mysterious singing. They followed the sound through the mind, going down halls and stairs, the lighting around them progressively getting darker. The sides were a little nervous about going to the dark sides territory, but by now they were determined to find out the source of this mysterious singing.

The light sides were starting to lose hope until they got to Deceit ́s door. They, eventually, unanimously agreed that the singing was coming from there. The odd thing was the song choice of the particularly slimy side.

¨We don't even have to try! It's always a good time!¨

All of the sides noticed the unusual sad tone in Deceit ́s voice. They turned to each other, confused but silent, not wanting to disturb Deceit. Suddenly, the aforementioned side stopped singing.

¨I wish I was like this. Things wouldn't be so much easier if I could sing my true feelings. I wish I couldn ́t just be happy. I wish I could just tell the tru-¨ Deceit was cut off by his own coughing, causing him to burst into tears.

Patton, against all impulse control, opened the door and rushed to the lying side who was on his knees. He quickly dropped to his knees, engulfed the latter in a hug, beginning to tear up after the others heartbreaking speech. Deceit was clearly shocked, his tears momentarily stopping, but made no move to push Patton off. He then melted into the hug, beginning to sob once again. Black tears began streaming down Virgil ́s face, as he watched his former friend be engulfed by his father figure. He couldn't take it any longer as he rushed into the hug himself, hurting his knees from the impact with the ground. Roman, eyes prickling with tears, walked over and slowly kneeled down, joining the hug.

Logan wasn't sure what to do with himself. He didn't want to ruin the moment, but he felt he shouldn't just stand there. He contemplated his options, still unsure until Patton reached out his hand beckoning Logan over. The logical side, feeling reassured that he wouldn't ruin anything walked over swiftly and wrapped his arms as far around the others as he could. They stayed that way for as long as they felt they should.

Deceit began to try and wiggle out of the hug, and the others all let go. They waited patiently for him to speak up, hoping to help more if they could.

¨I'm not grateful for your comfort,¨ the lying side whispered, stroking his scales out of nervousness.

¨You're not welcome,¨ Patton replied teasing.

Everyone chuckled a bit, then sat in comfortable silence until Roman offered Deceit to join in their movie watching.

Roman totally didn't put on Jungle Book after that.

And Deceit totally didn't respond with chucking a random cushion at Roman.

Not at all.

I hope you enjoyed that! I don't really have much to say so...

See you in the books!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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