Chapter 3

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I snap out of it when I discover a furious woman in front of my reception desk. Damn it. Between my night school and work, the ongoing war and the strange man in my kitchen, at 3 AM a couple nights ago, I haven't really slept. I love studying political science, but man is it expensive. And man do I have to work a lot to cover tuition.

Also, the strange encounter -- which I'm still not entirely convinced wasn't just a fragment of my drunken imagination -- in my kitchen two nights ago keeps me distracted. Although, I should admit it's a welcomed distraction. With the war usually occupying all my already limited time, I don't mind thinking about his black eyes instead of the death toll that keeps mounting.


I get startled and stand up swiftly. "Hi, yes, yes. I'm sorry. How may I help you, ma'am?"

The elderly woman gives me an irritated glare and then proceeds: "Listen, young lady, I understand that there is a war going on, but we still have to keep doing our jobs. Despite it. Now, I have a meeting with Peter Cass at 2 PM."

"Yes, of course, I'll let Mr. Cass know right away. What was your name ma'am?"

"Evelyn Gage." She says and plops down in one of the uncomfortable designer chairs in the lobby. I call Mr. Cass, but there is no answer. I try again. He's one of the most central people in the bank where I work at, and usually, he answers right away. For a moment I look outside to see the world still existed. It does. So I call the other lobby to see if there had been a mistake and Mr. Cass is waiting for his guest in there.

There is no answer either. Then I hear it. Distant screaming outside. Shit. It's happening.

I look out the windows and see people running. Mr. Cass's guest is now looking outside too. I try the lobby three more times, fearing my worst nightmare has come true. I'm about to hang up when someone picks up.

"They're here!" A voice yells in the phone hysterically, then the line goes silent. I listen to the mute line for a moment, not wanting to wrap my head around the reality I was hoping, irrationally, would never come.

"Is it..." Mrs. Gage starts out standing up shakily, "is it happening?"

I gulp. A cold sweat has appeared on my brow. I find myself unable to scramble my thoughts into coherent words. So, I nod. She lets out a blood stopping scream. A tank rolls on the street behind the enormous floor-to-ceiling window. And she bolts for the door.

"No, Mrs., Evelyn it's safer inside!" I shout at her receding back.

She turns around with pure terror flashing in her eyes, panting so hard she can barely get words out of her mouth. "Haven't you heard about Sydney! I'm not waiting around like some bait! I'm going home!"

And so, I'm alone in the big lobby. I can hear explosions around me. Things shake on my desk. I look up and see dust falling from a fresh crack in the ceiling. My hands are trembling and I'm not sure I remember how to breath normally anymore. Shit fuck shit. I should get out of here. Mrs. Evelyn is right. Fuck it.

I try to call Jess to see if she's okay first, but the line is dead. I guess they cut the lines. For a moment, a relief I've never quite like felt before about it washes over me. I'm glad my parents passed away. They lived right where I see black smoke coming from, above the buildings. They would've probably-

No. Shut up, Ana. I don't want to think about it.

I decide that it's better if I leave. I'm not sure where yet, but I'll figure it out on the way. It's better to do something that nothing, even if it's just for the sake of the illusion of feeling safer. I pack up my purse with whatever I think might be useful. Pens, two granola bars I forgot were in the desk drawer, an umbrella, and finally I take my grey blazer off the back of my chair.

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