Chapter 4

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I wake up to a headache of the century. My hand flies to my head and I squeeze my eyes shut. Mouth dry, every muscle in my body stiff. I try to move my neck a little to ease the headache.

Then I remember. A panic settles in like a tidal wave and I get that feeling of cold fingers squeezing my heart in my chest, causing it to beat so fast I can hear the blood rushing through my veins. I open my eyes carefully, blinking rapidly trying to get my eyes to adjust to the cruelly bright overhead lights. After a moment of deep breaths, I carefully sit up and the room tilts on a dizzying axis when I realize I'm in a jail cell. All metal, from floor to my bed that is attached to the wall. Even the ceiling was cold hard metal. I don't think even James Bond could escape from here.

I stand up only to be jerked back down by the chains in the wall, that I didn't realize my hands were cuffed to. I wince in pain as I slouch back down and rub my wrists, but stop and crawl to the corner of the bed when I hear the oblong door unlock. Followed by a quiet hiss, I freeze as the masked monster walks into the room, his heavy boots clanking on the metal floor. He is frightening. He's so tall I don't think he would've even needed any superpowers to throw soldiers around effortlessly.

I just stare at him like a frightened animal, waiting for the hunter to make his move. What move? I'm not exactly sure. He hasn't killed me yet so there must be something he wants from me.

He marches right beside me, and I can't bear myself to look up at him. He is impossible to read; he just stands there with his hands crossed over his body. His dented mask as expressionless as always. The silent stare makes me feel uncomfortable, so I steady my elbows on my knees, which apparently is the only way to sit that doesn't make my arms feel even more awkward, chained and cuffed as they are.

He turns around, cape flowing, to sit on the metal chair across the bed.

"Where am I?" I shakily ask.

"You're on my ship." A voice answers, but it's distorted. I've never heard him speak before. The mask must be altering his voice somehow and it made him even more evil in my mind. I slightly yank on the chains and finally dare look at him. Or the slit in his helmet.

"What's your name?" I ask still eyeing up at his unchanging mask, and I feel panic gurgle up in my chest as I think how many have that sight as their last memory. Was it going to be my last memory?

"I'm not going to kill you", He places his hands on his mask and there is a hiss. "At least not yet." He lifts the mask off and -- did he answer the question is just thought of? -- uncovers a set of black curls underneath. He straightens up and looks at me straight in the eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt like throwing up.

It's him.

"Kylo Ren." He states, still sounding cold and robotic even without his mask filtering his low voice.

Kylo Ren... My head is spinning. I lean on the edge of the bed and drop my head to get some blood back in there. What the fuck? Immediately a flash of him in my kitchen violates my thoughts. I squeeze my eyes and try to prevent the feeling in my chest from resurfacing, but it does. And I hate myself for it. I clench my hands into tighter fists, feeling how my nails dig half-moons into my flesh while I scold myself mentally.

I wanted someone who has killed hundreds of people-- and I liked it. Well, this is officially rock bottom for my roster of guys. The rock bottom sits on a metal chair across the tiny jail cell and sets his mask next to him. I lift my gaze up to him and I feel a familiar clenching in my abdomen as I look at him. It was definitely not appropriate at this moment. And I hate that my body still reacts to him like that. There is no time to think about the way he looks right now. Even under these horrible fluorescent lights. 

I slightly rattle on the chains.

"You mind?" I feel my breath shake as I lift my hands.

"Not yet."

I sigh and slump against the wall. Still cuffed.

"What am I doing here, Kylo Ren?" I ask, trying to sound form but my shaking voice betrays me.

"You work for me now." He states flatly.

I feel like someone just punched me in the gut. Gasping for air, I manage to get out a quiet, "What?"

Kylo Ren's face is as unreadable as his mask. "I need a human from Earth to advise me. I understand you've studied politics with great interest." He looks around the small jail cell and settles his eyes on me. "You'll agree to advise me on this matter. And I'll move you somewhere more comfortable." He finishes his proposal, while clearly studying me with intense eyes.

I look at him in disbelief.

"I'll make the arrangements to get you transferred." He snaps and starts getting up.

"Wait, wait! I haven't given you my answer yet!" I hurry and try to get up, forgetting about my chains and I just end up getting jerked back down. "I have no intention of helping you to kill more innocent people." I indented the words to come out sharp, but the confidence gets trapped in my throat and slipping out instead as shaky and hollow. 

I witness the monster's eyes darken before me, causing chills to run down my spine. Shit. Kylo Ren shoots up maliciously and lurches over to me, his boots echoing ominously in the small metal cell. I try to turn my head away from him, but I feel his leather covered fingers to wrapping around my chin, forcing me to face him. Towering over me again.

"I do not have time for this." Kylo Ren sneers in a dangerously low voice. His hand squeezing my cheeks, forcing me to look up. "You will advise me. It is not up for negotiation."

"Or what?" I struggle out in his hold.

"Or things will get a lot worse for you, and for Earth." He said with such lethal tone that I'm reminded how easy it must be for him to kill.

I clench my teeth. "Fine."

"Talk back to me again, and it will be the last thing you do." He warned.

Kylo Ren lets go of me and walks to retrieve his helmet. He lowers the mask onto his head and the door opens with another smooth whoosh, and he exits the jail cell, his cape following him and the thick metal door locking behind him.

I realize my ears are ringing. Kylo Ren.

After a moment of trying to wrap my head around the conversation that just happened, I slump against the cold wall and let out a deep breath, I didn't realize I was holding. Fuck was I fucked. I close my eyes with a deep sigh, recognizing that my headache is back. Advise him? I'm afraid to think positively, but I hope that's a positive thing. It sounds like a positive thing. But why did so many innocent people have to die before he wants advising?

I shake my head and look at the chains on my wrists. Shit did I have a bad type in guys.

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