Chapter 15

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God, the Stormtrooper uniform is a lot heavier than it looks. And damn near impossible to bend down in. Also, way too big for me but fortunately that doesn't show outside. I'm sweating profoundly inside the armor and grasping on the blaster for dear life. I'm in a steady formation of other soldiers inside Kylo Ren's ship, and praying he doesn't sense my presence.

I knocked the first Stormtrooper I saw, unconscious with a lead pipe I discovered lying on the ground, near some sort of construction site. I hope he didn't die. I felt a sharp pang of guilt as the lead pipe connected with his unprotected neck. I did probably break his neck and kill him, but I had no choice. I couldn't hit him in the head, his helmet was there to protect his skull after all. I tried imagining Alysia, the girl I met hiding behind the dumpsters before I was kidnapped, and how a Stormtrooper had killed her father. That made it a little better. But still, I was no murderer, and my conscience was throbbing unpleasantly.

My timing on the other hand, had clearly been perfect. No one was around since "all Stormtroopers" were commanded to report to the hangar. It does unnerve me a bit since there is a lot of Stormtroopers onboard this ship. Do they really need all of them?

Before I know it, I'm being yelled at to disembark the ship, down the boarding ramp and onto a helipad. I look around realize we're in Bowling Green, the ship barely fitting onto the Downtown Manhattan Heliport. Normally there's loads of tourists lined up to go on their 15-minute ride around "the lady", but now it's deserted.

My spine stiffens when I hear the order.

"Spread out and shoot on sight." A Stormtrooper with a metal colored armor barks an order. I think it's a woman. Shoot on sight!? Fuck, Kylo Ren! Fuck you! An anger like I've never felt before, gurgles up in my gut. Scorching away any fears in its wake, boiling my blood, ironing my determination. I will do this.

All the Stormtroopers seem to spread out like cockroaches as soon as their boots touch the helipad. I follow suit, except I had a destination to get to. Looking at the deserted streets, I'm just not exactly how yet.

So, no cabs. A weird sight. Rector St. subway station is about five blocks up, I could take the yellow line toward uptown and get off at Canal St. The 5th Precinct would be seven blocks to the east. I doubt the subway is running though. They halt it even during blizzards to be safe, so definitely probably not running when NYC was bombed only a couple days ago.

Fine. I'll just walk the tunnel and hope I don't stumble and get electrocuted by the 3rd rail.

Lord, please take me back. I'm sorry.

I start walking toward the station, pretending to be on the lookout for earthlings. I glance back and see Kylo Ren descending on the boarding ramp, looking like the fucking grim reaper. I clutch the blaster tighter in my hands and can't help the chills that run down my back. But I try and contain my racing mind to the best of my ability, he did keep complaining about my mind being too loud after all. I don't want him to hear my thoughts screaming amongst all the white armors, he'll spot me in seconds.

Finally, after a few blocks of walking, I see no Stormtroopers in sight. I bolt to a run toward Rector Street station, skipping every second stair and jumping onto the rails of the halted subway tunnel. It's so hot, there's no airflow whatsoever. I throw off the helmet to wipe my forehead. It lands on the rails and I flutter my eyelids, sweat stinging in my eyes. I start walking the dimly lit tunnel, starting to feel claustrophobia closing in but I push forward, I've made it this far.

After a seemingly small infinity, I emerge from underground and I'm so relieved to see some people walking around. I suppose the evacuation here wasn't as imminent as it was in Bowling Green. New Yorkers are tough as hell.

A few blocks later and I burst out the 5th precinct double-doors.

"Is the Commanding Officer in!?" I cry out, breathing heavily in the doorway. The buzzing police station stops everything they are doing, stare at me for exactly a second, then all of them draw their weapons at me.

I scream and throw my hands up. Blaster cluttering onto the floor. "Don't shoot, don't shoot! I'm not a First Order soldier!"

I stare at them. They stare at me. Some officer's hands are shaking. Couple exchange looks. Sweat drips into my eyes. A fly buzzes by.

"I'm Analise Glover I was kidnapped by the First Order four days ago and they are going to destroy New York City." I barely get the words out, my heart is beating so fast, my throat dry and lungs on fire. I really should work out more.

"Ana?" A voice asks, somewhere from behind all the officers. I try to get a look, but I can't see behind the wall of blue uniforms.

"Ana, is that you?" The voice repeats. Someone pushes officers, they make way, parting like the Red Sea. An officer emerges, wearing a fancy uniform with medals on it. He lifts his gaze up to me and I realize I know him.

"Jerry?" I ask, blinking, my hands still in the air.

"Ana! I can't believe it's you! Everyone, put your guns down, I know her. She isn't with the First Order, you have my word." Jerry says and waves his hand to them, reassuringly. My eyes start watering, seeing a familiar face makes me realize exactly how messed up my last four days have been.

"Jerry!" I yelp and hug him, "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

He pets my hair, and I let out a deep breath. I've known Jerry since high school, he always wanted to be a cop. His father was one and died in the line of duty. He wanted to honor his legacy, always did. We were really close, but then my parents happened and I just... I shut off a lot of people. But seeing him now, especially now, I forget all the missed years.

"Come on, "Jerry says and wraps his hand around my shoulder. "I'll take you to the boss."

We walk through the officers, who are still staring at me like a weird bird among them. A couple is still gripping their weapons, not fully at ease, following me like pray. I walk through the blue, praying I'm not too late.

I hope New York City still has hope.

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