Chapter 6

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I'm lying on top of black satin sheets. They're silky, but not as silky as his raven strands. I turn and see his gloomy eyes boring into mine. He pulls me down to flip me underneath him, caging me in. My home. And we kiss knowing that we will never again feel other's lips on our bodies. Only ours. Everything else would just feel wrong, another's kiss would taste sour from my tears. His tears. Being bare in front another would feel like a thousand ants crawling underneath our skin. Our love was our curse and our heaven. Our salvation and damnation. Our end.

As he's placing kisses on my neck, his bedroom floods with a red glow. Then I see Kylo Ren holding his terrifying lightsaber in his right hand. It crackles unsteadily and illuminates his face with a sharp crimson glow. Eyes abyss and face expressionless, he moves the flickering sword next to my neck and all it would take to have my head rolling onto the floor, is a swift swing. I close my eyes as I know this was it, the end. It was okay, I knew it would happen sooner or later. I'm surprised it was later. Looking into his black eyes in the inflamed light I know I'm only getting what I warrant for falling in love with a man like him. Yet I can't help but try to struggle myself free underneath his embrace, but the walls start melting down, melting into a boulevard in New York, the roads damp after the rain, the billboards from above illuminating from puddles of rainwater.

And I run. Run for my life. My feet are wet and I'm cold and shivering. I can't run for long. I take a chance on a dim backstreet, maybe I could hide out here for a while. But a red lightsaber ignites the alley in front of me, and I tumble as I desperately try to change my course. I plummet onto the wet hard ground and he's above me, in his black tunic and hood like the grim reaper. My heart thumps so hard it's agonizing, and I realize I have nowhere to run any longer. He raises his blazing weapon and says with that bloodcurdling filtered voice, "I told you, you can't run from me."

And just before he is about to execute me--

I wake up dripping sweat. I groan and glance around me. The lights in Kylo Ren's living quarters are still out. And the stars still look like we're driving through a blizzard outside the vast window. I let out a deep breath and dab the sweat away from my forehead. Well, that felt real.

I rub my face crudely, hoping to get rid of every last bit of the dream I just had. But my heart isn't having it. It's still hammering distraughtly in my chest. I can feel the thumping against my rib cage. And I can still feel the ghost of the feelings. I try to adjust my position on the chair to fall back asleep but at no avail. After a while of shifting and changing, I give up and get up. I need a pillow. I walk around a bit looking for the bathroom. I figure, he must have towels there, I could use some as a makeshift pillow. But after examining all the walls of Kylo Ren's living quarters, hoping to find a hidden door of some kind,  I find nothing. The bathroom must in his bedroom.

I sigh irritated and go back to the chair, unable to fall back asleep for a long time, until finally, I somewhat drift back to sweet nothing.


I'm standing in the sitting room, examining out the window at a what appeared to be a massive hangar. We are inside... another ship? I see those white exoskeleton soldiers rushing in organized groups and others doing maintenance on smaller ships. It looked like an... army base. And then it dawned on me. Kylo Ren took me to the headquarters of the First Order. The main ship. All of a sudden the air turns very heavy and I find it hard to inhale.

"Time to do some advising." I hear a low voice dictating from behind me. I turn around to see Kylo Ren fully dressed in his black ensemble, but without his mask. Right on cue, the dream I had resurfaces into my mind as clear as the bright lights in the hangar. I crease my brow and unfortunately, realize, I can still feel the lingering feelings I felt for him in the dream. Before he tried to kill me.

Kylo Ren glares at me strangely. "What are you doing?"

I look up to him. "Nothing. Just thinking."

He lets out an annoyed sigh and looks at me bored. "You know I can just look into your mind and find out that you are lying."

Damn you to hell, Kylo Ren. He's right.

I scowl at him. "I had a dream."

"About me."

"Yes," I mutter my reply.

His face is as stony and as unreadable as ever. "We have to go." He barks and goes to his bedroom, emerging with his mask on.


He stalks to me and only now I see he has the handcuffs with him. He takes my left wrist to cuff it, but I jerk it back from his hand.

"Where am I going to run to?" I snap and glare at him and his unfazed steel mask.

Then I find myself being shoved by a force against the wall behind me, face first. Fortunately, I have quick reflexes, and I manage to turn my head slightly to the left, or I might've broken my nose. He keeps pressing me against the wall with the force field, and I feel his hands seize my arms roughly. I wince as he restraints my hands behind my back.

"Hard way then." Kylo Ren grunts behind me, his voice sounding robotic again. He jerks me off from the wall, releasing the force that was holding me immobile. He drags me through the living room, toward the door and I tail him grudgingly out the steel door, onto the hallway. He lets go of my arm outside and allows me to walk behind him. I watch as his cape drifts behind him gloomily. He makes the hallway seem tiny. Then, after what seems like dozens of turns and hallways, we arrive at a landing ramp that he starts descending down and into the hangar.

There are two soldiers right outside, as if expecting for commands, with blasters in their hands.

"Take her to the command bridge." Kylo Ren barks to the soldiers.

"Wait, where are you going?" I stutter, anxious as to what was going to happen to me. He was a murderer also, yes, but at least I knew he wasn't planning on killing me – for now. But I didn't know that of anyone else on this ship.

Kylo Ren turns his head to show his metal helmet over his shoulder.

"I am the highest commander on this ship. No one will kill you, unless I command them to." He waves his hand at the soldiers, "make sure she stays in the conference room."

I gulp. He read my mind again. There was no one above him on this colossal vessel? So... He is free to do as he wishes without percussions. The thought horrifies me.

"Yes, Sir." They both reply mechanically. (The only reason I knew there were living beings inside the armors, was the news. Otherwise, I'd think they're robots.)

The soldiers move swiftly on either side of me, one of them pointing the head of the blaster on my back, and painfully shove me onward with it. Kylo Ren stalks far ahead of us already, his long legs taking intimidating strides. He disappears into one of the many elevators in the oversize hangar, and I'm left alone, surrounded by pitiless soldiers.

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