Chapter 7

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I lean forward in one of the twelve chairs around a massive and glossy table inside a conference room. Everything is dark steel and black metal, including the, yet another, very uncomfortable chair. I would've rubbed my face if my hands were free. I feel so exhausted, I barely slept last night. I can sense the dark imprints under my eyes and heavy eyelids. I try and lean forward a bit, resting my upper body against the edge of the table but it's impossible to be comfortable, while my hands are cuffed behind my back.

Then the entrance unlocks. A red-headed man in impeccable uniform strides in, his hands crossed behind his back. He looks like he has a steel rod inside him, keeping his posture so extremely straight. Right behind him is Kylo Ren, and they both sit down across from me.

I straighten my back, trying not to look so insignificant in the enormous chair, opposite of these two nerve-wracking men. But my back was aching badly from last night, and the cuffs certainly did not help the problem.

"So, you are the consultant Kylo Ren has found?" The red-haired general spoke. He is intimidating, even the way he spoke stated so.

I nod. I fear my voice may deceive me.

"I am General Hux. And you've met Commander Ren. Kylo Ren is one of the Knights of Ren. Now, Ana," General Hux placed his hands in front of him on the table and crossed them, "we have successfully moved the disorder from existence in many galaxies, so that civilizations may be returned to the stability and peace that promotes progress."

"We will do the same to your planet, Earth." Kylo Ren stated. "Future historians will look upon this as the time when a strong hand brought the rule of law back to civilization. And stars know your planet desires our liberation urgently. But... the people of Earth have demonstrated themselves to be more... resilient, than anticipated."

"So", I start and feel both of their full attention on me, it almost halts the words from coming out of my tongue, but I push through and succeed to stutter: "You want my help to conquer Earth?

"No," Kylo Ren sneers through his mask, "we can do that."

"We want citizens of Earth to be devoted to the First Order. We don't know people on Earth, but you were born there, yes? And you've studied politics, in hopes of making a difference in your dreadful regime." Hux leans forward in his chair, "Ana, now is your chance."

Before I could answer, Kylo Ren states; "We've learned of your history. It appears we need a changed tactic for approach, in order to accomplish to have people yield to the First Order. You'll aid with that."

All of a sudden the full weight of the responsibility Hux and Kylo Ren was placing on my shoulders, really sinks in. Is Earth's hope really in my hands? That's unreasonable! I'm not equipped to deal with this!

"I've only studied politics for three years. I haven't even graduated yet." I hesitate, looking at both of them in hopes that they'd realize they've made a mistake. I'm not sure if that for me, would mean that I end up dead but right now to be frank, it seemed like a more suitable destiny for me.

"We know," Hux replies. They do? "But we also recognize you've existed on Earth for twenty-three years, and you sought to get into your nation's senate to change things. You must acknowledge, things are rather horrific at the moment, and they're going to get even poorer. Imaginably accelerate even to World War III. And your passion and participation in local politics at such an early time only expresses of the influence you could embrace."

"I won't help you to murder," I state cautiously, not really understanding where they were going with this.

Hux noticeably tries to control his irritation, taking a profound breath.

"We desire Earth to be a devoted ally, and we also need more willing soldiers, who won't require being sent to reconditioning each month."

I just gawk General Hux in return. He glances over at Kylo Ren.

"So... What would make Earth happy?" I repeat back what I comprehended.

General Hux draws yet another deep sigh. "Commander Ren, are you certain she is of help? Perhaps she could serve the cause better, on a different assignment."

"No!" I exclaimed suddenly, almost flying out of my seat, guessing that 'another assignment' is far worse than my present one. "I'll do it. I'm sorry, I'm just somewhat in a sock and suffering from lack of sleep." I shoot an angry glare at Kylo Ren at the last part.

"Autonomy," I add. Trying to sound as confident as I possibly could.

"Autonomy?" Kylo Ren repeats, questioning.

"Yes. That'll make people content. You can immobilize the government of Earth, you can strip its presidents from control, you can end the companies from dictating laws that profit only them, you can distribute wealth better, but you'll save the local schools, post offices, and all other public services."

"That is too much sovereignty." Kylo Ren snorts.

"No, you'll still have the final say. You can appoint a new Senate that's responsible for all the local matters, a senate of the United Earth if you will, but ultimately they'll need your authorization."

Hux looks at Kylo Ren. Clearly, deliberating.

"But you'll have to stop the blood shedding. Only then can it work. Only then, will you get a loyal ally."

"Ana," Kylo Ren starts. Hearing my name from him, filtering through the mask, startles me. "We have occupied hundreds of others with a reign of fear. It works. It reinstates order to the galaxy."

"You asked me how to get Earth to become a loyal ally. This is it." I swallow. Was I too assertive? Are they thinking 'off with her head?' 

Kylo Ren stands up and Hux mirrors him. "We'll deliberate all the options." And he stalks out of the room, Hux behind him. Right after that, the soldiers come back and pull me up from the chair.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" I belt and try to tug my arms away from their hold, but to no avail. They walk me out of the room and along long corridors of the gigantic ship. 

Did I help? Could I actually contribute something to the discussion of how to subjugate Earth? If I did, then I hope I had done it convincingly enough. If I fail... I realize all of a sudden, it would all be on me. It would be because I wasn't good enough in counseling, even though I was given the chance.

I let out a deep sight, and lean on the soldiers a bit more. I'm completely exhausted.

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