Chapter 16

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"I believe you, Analise," A relief washes over me like a tidal wave. "I know who you are." Deputy Inspector Tommy Ng says, leaning forward in his chair. He has smart and sincere eyes, with a calming stability in them. I like it, it gives me a tiny grain of hope.

Ng crosses his fingers above his oak desk, and I allow myself to let out a deep sigh. Jerry's supportive hand appears, patting my back in circles. I can't feel his soothing touch through the damned Stormtrooper armor, but the gesture calms my heart. A little.

"We'll take it from here Analise, you've done more than enough. The city of New York owes you a great deal. Now, Jerry. Would you drive Ana to her home?" Deputy Inspector Tommy Ng says, but a blush appears on my cheeks, palpably confusing his wise eyes.

"Um, I- I can't go home." I stutter, having never felt more ashamed in my entire life. Not even that time when I slipped and fell, landing straight at the feet of my two-year-long crush, and spilling soda on his brand-new sneakers in junior high. No, this tops even that.

"Why?" Ng asks, concerned. Not judging. Yet...

"Uh, well, Kylo Ren -- Commander Ren --, knows... where I live. I'd rather be someplace else."

Ng looks at me, dumbfounded, silent. Then studies my face attentively. Deciding on something.

"Very well then. Do you have someplace else Jerry could drive you to?"

No follow-up questions. Thank god. I wouldn't make it.

"Ana, you're more than welcome to stay on my couch. It's not a great couch though, I gotta warn ya." Jerry offers and snickers.

"I couldn't I'm sorry, I- I can figure something else out, I'll call a frien- "

"It's no problem, really. I want you to, it would make me feel better."

But if Kylo Ren finds me, you're dead too. Because of me.

"No, it's fine. Thank you, Jerry." I say and try to sound firm.

"Ana, c'mon. Where are you gonna go? Tell me and maybe I'll believe you." Jerry looked at me with his warm chocolate eyes. He knows I don't really have that many friends. I could try to call Jess, but I don't want her to end up dead any less than Jerry. Anyone I couch-surf with, I would jeopardize. Fuck Kylo. Like a little devil on my back. Except not so little.

"Kids, I don't have time for this. I must contact the proper authorities. If you would, please." He stands up and extends his hand toward the door.

"Of course, sir," Jerry responds immediately and we walk out the door, into the busy prescient. Officers still eyeing us.

"Seriously, Ana. I know you've got nowhere to go." Jerry stops and takes my arm, observing me with a serious tone. He's right. I don't. But I'd rather sleep on the street than get Jerry killed. He was one of my best friends, he was popular but never mean, everyone's friend, that one guy who never made it weird or awkward. Life of a party. I'd kill myself if I was the one to extinguish all of that.

"No, Jerry. I can't. And I do have somewhere to go."

"Really. Give me the address." He says, crossing his arms.

Shit. He's good at this. I mean, it is his job. "Well, I uh, I can't. I don't remember it."

"Fuck, Ana. Just accept my kind gesture and sleep on my damn couch."

"I can't!"

"Don't be stupid, Ana."

"I'm not, I just can't!"

"WHY NOT!?" Jerry yells and the prescient quiets down for a second. He glances around embarrassed and straightens his tie. I feel bad. If I'm going to turn him down like this, at least he deserves the truth.

I step closer to him and lower my voice. "Because Commander Ren has a personal interest in me. He will kill you too if he finds me."

Jerry's face loses its color.

"What do you mean?" He asks but I don't think he really wants the answer.

"I think you know what I mean, "I say and place my hand on his arm. "I don't want to get you killed, I could never forgive myself."

"Fuck, Ana." He exhales, suddenly out of breath.

"So please don't put me in that position. Please. I'll find someplace else, I'll break into some shitty rundown motel, I don't care. I'll figure it out."

"No," He says, shaking his head. "No. I know an empty WITSEC house, not far from here."

"Witness protection?"

"Well you are a witness, aren't you?"

I let out a sigh. I can tell he won't give up on this, I remember how stubborn he could be. And how big his heart was. Is.

"Fine." I give in.

Jerry's shoulders visibly relax, and he nods his head approvingly. "Good. Jesus, Ana. Okay, I'll drive you there right now. It's pretty basic, but you'll have everything you need there."

He starts stalking toward the door, grabbing his jacket from one of the chairs in front of an overcrowded desk. He throws it on and checks the ammo in his gun. Then puts it back into the holster.

"Jerry, "I say and grab his arm, he turns to look at me. "Thank you. Really."

He flashes a smile to me and I think now I have two grains of hope. Maybe I could save everyone. Maybe New Yorkers are like roaches and refuse to die, fighting for the right to stay. I step out onto the Manhattan street and I don't think I've ever cherished the stink of it as much, as I do in this moment.

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