Chapter 1 ❤

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  ~Mikayla's p.o.v~
              Ugh, I honestly hate alarm clocks, I have to set one every night so I'm not late for my first day of senior year and lats year of school. Pressing the snooze button,I slowly sit up and got out of bed. Walking over to my closet, I quickly go through my clothes finally picking out the perfect outfit. I quickly walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Getting out, I blow dried my hair, putting it up into a messy bun.
             Walking downstairs, a whiff of my mom's famous pancakes, well to me but whatever. "Morning sweetie." she said, wiping her hands on her apron. "Morning mom." I said smiling, smoothing out my outfit, sitting down on one of the stools in the kitchen. Putting a plate of pancakes in front me, she turned back to start washing the dishes. Taking a bite, the sweet goodness melted in my mouth.
             "These are probably the best pancakes I have ever had mom." I said taking another bite. She turned around from washing the rest of the dishes, smiling. "Thank you honey." She said looking at the clock. "You better get going before you're late." I quickly look at the time being 8:00. About 20 minutes before class starts. "Thanks mom, I have work after school so I'll be home around 6, love you bye." With that I grabbed my car keys and went out to my pick-up.
~Skip school day~
              Finally, after a long, homework filled day, the final bell rang through the schools' halls. After being released from class, I grabbed my bag and made my way over to my locker. Thinking to myself how today wasn't as drama filled as I thought it would be when I spoke too soon, for my ex boyfriend, Anthony made his way over to me.
             "Hey baby." Anthony said strolling over to me. I tried ignoring him while packing up my books. He must've gotten irritated with me not answering him because next thing I know he shuts my locker with a huge slam. I jumped and then rolled my eyes, looking up at him. "what do you want Anthony?" I honestly don't know why I dated him in the first place. He was ruthless, selfish and a complete asshole. Stepping closer to me, he roughly pulling me closer to him. "I haven't got a kiss all day baby." He said leaning closer, before he could come closer, I moved so he'd kiss the locker behind us. Putting my hand up to my mouth to keep from laughing. I pushed him off of me as hard as I could, grabbing my bag and started walking away, ignoring the people who gathered to watch this go down.
             Almost reaching the door, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I already knew who it was by his smell, cigarettes and beer. "Hey, I'm not done with you yet babe." He growled. Without thinking, i forcefully took my hand and slapped him across the face, making a loud clap.
             Ripping from his grasp, I grabbed my stuff and ran full speed to my pick-up before he could react. Getting my key in the ignition just in time before he could figure out what happened. Driving away from that situation, I leaned my head gently against the steering wheel. People might think I have it easy. Getting straight A's, having the perfect job. But to be honest, my life is far from easy.
             After my heart calmed down, I arrived at Syco music, and yes that's were One Direction records I'm aware. Anyway, I've already been working here for the past few weeks and wow, it's been the best weeks of mt life. Still haven't seen any artists, especially 1D. I don't know if I'll ever see them. Well, time will tell I guess. Eventually, I finally got to the company with time to spare. Walking in and strolling over to my to my space I already saw I had things to do, like sorting papers, getting coffee, those types of things. Yea, being at one of the biggest record companies in the UK does have its' peaks but I just started working so it makes sense.
            Picking up the list, the first thing was getting coffee of course, Walking back out to my pickup, I quickly took my jacket off as it is warmer out.
~Skip the boring drive~
Walking into the coffee shop, a burst of cool air blasts past me, giving me goosebumps. Checking the orders i was sent to get, I gently stuffed the paper in my pocket and walked up to order. After ordering the coffee, I quickly looked down to get my keys from my pants pocket, only to suddenly bump into someone, almost knocking us both down. They suddenly gently grabbed my arms to steady me. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" the stranger asked
            "Yea, I'm fine and it's not your fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said straightening up my outift and looking up at them.
             You know when you feel your heart beat fast and flutter, while your stomach erupts with butterflies? Well, that's the exact way I felt when I look into their eyes. Soft chocolate brown eyes, a gentle smile. I was lost of words.
~Liam's p.o.v.~
            "I'm hungry!" Niall exclaimed, crossing his arms and pouted. I rolled my eyes, thinking how the kid can eat as much as he can.
             "Mate, you just ate a bunch of pancakes for breakfast." I pointed out
             "I don't care, I'm still hungry!" he shot back. Sighing, I looked around for any places to eat, i spotted a nearby coffee shop.
             "Okay fine, we'll get a little something here." I said pulling into the parking lot. Niall's eyes lit up with joy at the mention of food.
             "Yay!" Niall cheered, literally leaping out the car. Hearing some noise from the back, I turned around to find the others scrunched together. Trying not to laugh while they glared at me, I got out to open the door, soon having Louis fall out.
             "Ow! What was that for Zayn?" He asked, clearly annoyed and got up. "Sorry, I just needed to get out of this car." He said, shrugging. Rolling my eyes once again, I made my way over to the entrance. Quickly putting my sunglasses on so nobody recognizes me, walked in. Niall was jumping up and down like a kid at Christmas. Laughing, I suddenly bumped into somebody, almost knocking them over and quickly grabbed them.
              "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said looking down at them, who was clearly a girl.
              "Yea, I'm fine and it's not your fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." She said. When she looked up, I swear you could go weak in the knees. With luscious blonde hair, light brown eyes, great body. She probably has a boyfriend but wow was she beautiful. The trance was broken when someone lightly grabbed my shoulder.
              "hey mate, you okay?" Turning around to find Harry smirking. I nodded and turned back to the girl, seeing she was blushing, making my heart melt. I know I just met her and all but I'm starting to fall for her, and I don't even know her name. Just as I'm about to introduce myself, Harry just has to butt in.
              "Hello love, My name's Harry." he said smiling, holding out his hand. She shakes it and smiling. Man, her smile is even beautiful.
             "I'm Mikayla." She said
             "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Harry commented smirking. I felt a ping of jealousy shoot through me. Wait why am I jealous, was just met.
             "Oh, this is Liam, over there is Zayn, Louis and the blonde one is Niall." he said patting me on the back. She turned back to me with beautiful eyes, and shook my hand. Just one touch and a what seemed like electricity went up my arm, maybe she felt it too.
~Mikayla's p.o.v.~
               After one of them introduced himself, I already knew who I ran into. How could I not know who they are? I tried not the fangirl because we're in public. Don't want to cause a scene. After introducing the others, I went to shake Liam's hand, only to have a electric shock shoot through my arm. I'm pretty sure he felt it too because his eyes widened.
             "So, what brings you here?" Liam asks, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Why was he nervous all of a sudden? My mind started to work again "Oh, to get coffee for the people back at Syco music." I said, pointing to what I'm holding. "How about you?"
             "Eh, Niall over there wanted to get something to eat, you know how he is. Liam said chuckling
             "Hey, I heard my name!" Niall said running over. I giggled and nodded, of course I know what he's like.
             "Niall meet Mikayla." Liam said motioning toward me
             "Hi, i guess you already know my name." Niall said
I nod and smiling "Yea, I do and it's amazing that i get to meet you guys. I'm a big fan. And no, I won't start screaming and jumping around. Don't worry about me." I said as Harry was about ask. Although i was freaking out inside. Liam looks around, probably looking for the other two. Finally finding them messing around.
             "Guys, come over here." Liam said motioning them over.
             "Geez, you don't have to be so bossy." Louis said coming over "Who's she?" he asked curiously. I can't believe I'm meeting all of one direction "I'm Mikayla and I already know who you are Louis." I said, suddenly shy from all the attention.
             "And I'm zayn" Zayn introducing himself. I nodded, already knowing that. Looking at my phone, I see i need to get back.
             "Sorry guys, but I need to get back, maybe I'll see you later." I said starting to walk to the door.
             "Wait Mikayla." Liam said running over to me.
             "Yea?" I said looking up at him. I was totally caught off guard when he said "Umm, can i have your number?" He asked nervously. I had to forcefully nod my head, not saying anything. Giving him my phone and me his, we exchanged contacts. I smiled shyly and walked out. I couldn't comprehend what happened but I know it was an amazing feeling.  

  Hey guys! It's me Linnea. This is my first story so please be nice thanks. Love you so much guys!   

We Could Be Perfect (A Liam Payne love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang