Chapter 11 ❤

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  ~Bella's POV~
I jolted awake, sweat covering my forehead, hands shaking. I leaned forward, putting my head in my hands. What am I going to do when Niall leaves for his tour in a few months. I know he said I'll always be his and he'll always be mine, but I couldn't help my think of what could happen in the months when he's away. Sighing, I decided to get up, forgetting that Niall's arms were around my waist, pulling me back down. "No.........." He mumbled, tightening his hold on. I giggled slightly, trying again. "Noooo." He whined, burying his head in my stomach. I mentally awwed, kissing his forehead. "Babe, I need to get up, I really need to go to the bathroom." I said, lying. I just need to walk around a little. "No, stay here with me. I want to cuddle." He said, his voice muffled, face still in my stomach. "We can cuddle when I get back." I said, running a hand through his hair, knowing he loved when people played with his hair.

He relaxes under my touch "You know I like that." He said, starting to go back to sleep. I chuckle, kissing his head, finally being able to get up. I walk to the living room, clearing my head. Don't get me wrong, I know it's his job and how important it is to him, and I did know what I was getting into with this relationship. But I didn't know it was going to be this hard, to even think of him leaving for months at a time. I wiped the tears starting to fall, cursing myself for being so emotional about something that hasn't even happened yet.
I sit down on the nearest chair, burying my face in my hands again, letting out a shaky sigh. I sat there for few more minutes, until I heard the floor creak, looking up to find a sleepy Niall, who's hair is sticking up every which way, rubbing his eyes, looking utterly adorable. "Belle, are you okay? You didn't come back to bed." He said in his morning voice. Does he know what it does to me? Probably not. "I.........I just needed to clear my head." I said, looking forward again, breathing deeply. The couch sank down beside me. Along with a finger being put under my chin, making me look at him.

"About what?" He pressed, his incredibly blue eyes looking in mine. I sighed. "About what will happen in a few months. I don't want to you to go, but that just makes me selfish and I know it's your job and you love it......." I started before something stopped me. His lips pressed gently to mine, ridding me of all my thoughts and worries. Curling my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. But it all had to end to quickly for my taste, as he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

"You have nothing to worry about. I know it will be hard. Do you have any idea how hard it will be for me to leave you behind? He said, stroking my cheek softly, his eyes full of lust and love. Butterflies exploded into my stomach. Is it possible to love someone you've just been dating for a few weeks? Maybe it can because there's just a feeling I've never felt before. So before I could stop myself, I said those three words I never knew I could ever say.
"I love you Niall." I whispered, hoping he didn't heard me, as I looked away from his beautiful eyes. It would be such an embarrassment if he didn't feel the same way. I waited a few agonizing seconds, waiting for a response. I looked up just in time to be knocked onto my back, down on the soft couch, soft lips pressed against mine again, moving perfectly moving in sync. He pulled back a few minutes later, both of us out of breath, grinning like two idiots. "I love you too Belle, so much." he said, kissing me again. My heart was beating out of my chest, hands threading themselves into his soft blonde hair.

I had to pull away again, although I wanted to do forever, I had to breath. "I love you so much too Niall" I whisper, feeling like my heart will explode. He suddenly stood up, holing his hand out. "Come on, lets go back to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow and I don't want you to be tired." He said, smiling. I grabbed his hand, looking confused. "Why happening tomorrow?" I asked, only to have him smirk. "It a surprise love." He said, gently kissing mine temple. I blushed and yawned. He just chuckles and leads me back to our room. This is a way I always want to go to and wake up to.

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