Chapter 10 ❤

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  ~Kayla's POV~

As Kylie set down Liam's glass ever so gentle, she turned around toward me, eyes turning from a calm brown to a firey red; which gave me a feeling of fear. before I knew it, she threw the full glass of water straight at my chest, soaking me from the chest down. I immediately stood up, knocking the chair over, gasping. My one dress that I've admired for so long, is now ruined. "You will never be good enough to be with Liam!" She spat, intensly glaring at me. "What makes you think that dressing in a cruddy dress would make you pretty enough to even think about dating Liam?" She said, smirking, trying to get under my skin. And it was working, the tears started to well up with tears. I can't cry in front of this slut, she'll just make it worse. I looked at Liam, who was shocked, mouth hanging wide open, not doing a blasted thing.
I've had it, my heart can't take this anymore. If this bitch says one more thing, I'm going to burst out crying. With that thought, I turned on my heel and ran for the door. The tears were already spilling from my eyes, probably smearing my makeup but it didn't matter anymore. That she devil ruined the one chance I would get my dream guy, and what he do? That's right nothing! He did nothing but stare at her! I ran down the street, already shivering from the cool breeze nipping at my bare arms.  

I kept running until I couldn't breath, finding a bench nearby. I quickly sat down, crying into my hands, shivering again due to my now wet dress. Why'd he just sit there? Did he think it was funny to be embarrassed? Did he take me out on this date out of pity? All these questions swirled around in my head, bring back the memories of being with Anthony. He always talked down to me, telling how worthless I was or just not good enough for anyone. I sat there, those flashbacks of bad memories, until I heard faint yelling, them yelling my name. I sighed already knowing who it was.

~Liam's POV~
"Kayla!" I yelled, starting to get worried. What if someone kidnapped her or worse got injured. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her. That girl had to right to say such rude things to the girl that meant everything to me. So I did what I had to do.

I sat there as Mikayla ran out the door, tears already spilling from her beautiful light brown eyes. An anger welled up inside mt chest, unable to control it. I've been angry before but never like this, she just insulted the one girl I lo-like, like. Did I love her? I possibly could. Kylie turned around with an innocent smile placed on her lips. Gross. "You can do so much better than her Liam, here's an idea, how about me?" How dare she think she's better than sweet Mikayla. I immediately stood up, towering over her. "How dare you speak about her that way! She been nothing but the sweetest girl on earth! Now if you don't want to lose you job, I suggest you don't come anywhere near me or Mikayla." I said the last part as calm as I can. She ran away before I could say anything else, which was a relief. Thank gosh this is a private room, with no one staring at us.
I ran out into the street, looking frantically for Kayla......

~End of flashback~

"Kayla!!" I tried again, not being successful. I ran my hands through my hair, starting to freak out. I walked up the street, hands in pockets, feeling like the left down of the century. I kept walking only to hear a quiet muffle of someone crying. Looking to my right, my heart broke at the sight of a shivering Kayla, tears streaming down her flawless face. I couldn't take it, she was crying because of me. I walked a little closer, until I couldn't hear her uneven breathing. "Kayla........." I said softly, she sniffled a little. "Go away Liam." She croaked, making my heart break even more. "Kayla please let me explain....." I started but she cut me off. "Liam I don't want to talk about it." She said, close to tears again. She wanted to talk, just not the me. I hesitated before sitting a few inches away from her, careful not to set her off again. It hurt to see her like this, because I didn't defend her.  

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