Chapter 7 ❤

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  ~Isabelle POV~
I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes.I groaned and turned over,only to not recognize this as my bed and my room.I quickly sat up and looks around but relaxed when I noticed it was Niall's room. Wait, Niall? I must have fell asleep and he carried me here. I blushes slightly at the thought. I dangled my feet to the side of the bed and stood up. I stretched and quietly walked to the door and opened it. I walked out and the first thing I heard was Louis' loud chatter. I smiled and walked to the dining room and saw everyone. "Good Morning!" I chirped happily. Louis stopped talking and turned to me, "Good Morning, Sleepy Head! Was Nialler's bed comfy?" He smirked. I blushed slightly,"Umm...yeah I guess. T-thanks Niall, by the way." I said while smiling at him."N-no problem."His cute Irish voice stuttered.I smiled and grabbed a plate,stacking it with food before sitting down and gobbling it down.

I placed my plate in the sink and turned around,only to bump into someone."Sorry!"We both say at the same time.I look up and see Niall's blue eyes looking down at mine. Its then that I blush and look away shyly.

"Can I to you?" He asked quietly.Not trusting my voice,I just nodded.He motioned to follow him, so I obviously did.

We got to his room and he was staring at me, trying to find his voice. "I don't bite Niall, just say it." He smiled and quickly said, "Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He looked nervous, and I just rapidly blinked.

"Pardon me? I didn't understand, please repeat yourself."I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked quickly, but slowly enough for me to understand.

I let it sink in before staring at him in shock. Me? His girlfriend? Someone pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming.  I pinched myself hard, "Ow." I muttered. Yep, this is real life.

I then realized that Niall was looking at me with hopeful eyes and was holding his breathe for what I could see.


"Y-yes?" He repeated as if I said, "No." I nodded and he broke out into a grin. He attacked me in a hug, in which he was on top and killing me. "Niall...air!" I breathed out.

"Oh right, uh, sorry."He quickly got off and smiled sheepishly at me. I inhaled air dramatically.  "Its fine." I smiled.

Then there was silence. Just silence unless you count the faint talking of the others.

~Niall pov~

After standing there in silence which seemed like forever, staring into beautiful blue eyes, I looked around to see if anyone was around. My eyes wondered back to hers, only to see them confused. "What are you doing Niall?" She asked, her American accent putting a little twist on my name.

Without saying anything, I stepped closer to her, leaving her even more confused then before. I mentally laughed while caressing her soft, rosy cheeks in my hands. Her eyes searching every part my my face as mine to hers, Every once in awhile, having them land on her lips I've wanted to kiss ever since I met her.

"Niall w-." She started before I cut her off with a sweet tender kiss.

She was surprised at first but slowly melted into the kiss, bringing her hand up to my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. My hands moved down to her waist, rubbing my thumb along the waist-band of her jeans.

A few minutes later we finally pulling away slowly, but far enough to rest my forehead on hers, both of us breathing hard.

"You have not idea how long I've wanted to do that." I said, coming out breathy

I saw the light in her eyes become brighter as I brought her back in another kiss. Her arms circling around my neck, playing with the hair at the nape of neck.

I'm so glad I took that chance, this is the second best thing that's happened since the x factor.

~Liam pov~

I woke up feelings something warm against my chest, looking down to see a peaceful looking Mikayla. I smiled, but it slowly went away after discovering her cheeks tear stained and eyes red and puffy.

Just thinking back to what she told me last night, I wanted to protect her in any way possible. I swear if that guy Anthony come near her anytime soon, he better pray he doesn't come face to face with me.

I sigh, she doesn't deserve to have this over her head. I kissed her forehead, making her stir but stay asleep. Smiling, I got up and walked downstairs. When I got to the bottom, I caught Niall and Bella kissing like their life depended on it. I tried not to laugh but possibly made some noise because they separated quickly and looked at me.

"H-ey m-mate." Niall stuttered, while Bella blushed madly. I chuckled

"You two have a good time?" I said, making Bella blush more, cause Niall to kiss her temple.

Getting a ping of jealousy that they get to do that, but Kayla and I can't do that yet. "Hey Liam, where's Kayla?" Bella spoke up

"Oh, she's still sleeping, she had a rough night." I said, anger replacing jealousy. "I'm going to go talk to her." She said, before she kissed Niall's cheek and running up stairs.

I watched her go, not noticing Niall walk up to me. "So, what did happen last night?' he questioned, concern filling his blue eyes.

I sigh "She was sleep outside by the pool and quietly started talking to herself. I thought it was fine until I heard her scream my name, thrashing her arms around. So I ran over and woke her up with her crying. Turns ou her ex-boyfriend was as nice as she thought." I finished, clenching my fists.

Niall was quiet for a moment, nodding his head like understood. "That's a lot of stuff to take in. How are you handling it? I mean we all know you love her, she just doesn't know that yet." He pointed out.

"I'm just scared that if I'm not there when she needs me, she going to get hurt. I can't let her get hurt, that would kill me inside." I said, feeling a tear stream down my face. I wiped it away quickly. I have to be strong for her.

"It will be okay mate, she has you, she has all of us now. Everything will be fine." He reassured.

I hope he's right "Okay, so you and Bella huh?" I said, smirking. He looked down, his cheeks flushed. "Yea, I asked her today actually." He said, his eyes brightening up at the thought.

"Congrats mate!" I said slapping him on the shoulder.

"Thanks. So when are you going to ask Kayla out?" He questioned

"Actually, I asked her out last night." I said looking away, smiling

"Oh really? Dang I missed it." He said laughing

I smiled, now I need to figure out how to make this a perfect night, for a special girl.
***Later that night***

~Mikayla pov~

Finally having a dreamless sleep, it was interrupted by somebody sitting on the edge the bed. I slowly woke up to Bella sitting there, staring at my like a creep. "Umm, why are you staring at me like that?" I said before I burying my head back into the pillow. Noticing that Liam wasn't here.

"Liam just told us you had a bad night last night, also I saw you two outside. Are you going to tell me what was wrong?" She said, scooting closer.

I sat up knowing that she's not going to leave me alone. "Okay fine, last night I had one of those dreams I've told you about. Dreams about Anthony beating me, raping me." I finished with tears in my eyes second time this week. Bella came closer and wrapped into a hug. I cried into her shoulder as she rubbed my back.

"Shhhh, it will be okay, I know Anthony has traumatized you when you guys were together but that's over. Besides, you have Liam and the other boys to protected you. We're all here for you Kayla." She said smiling slightly.

I smiled back weakly, brushing away the stray tears from my cheeks.

"So, speaking about Liam, please oh please tell me asked you to be his girlfriend, because you tow are the cutuest thing out there!" She expressed, smiling

I giggled "No not yet but he did ask me out for tonight last night." I said blushing. It wasn't even a couple seconds later, she started squealing.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! He did!? Kayla, that's amazing! He's totally going to ask you to be his girlfriend for sure!" She squealed, tackling me into a hug.

I laughed "Woah, okay this just to hang out, I doubt he wants me to be his girlfriend after what went down last night." I said looking down, blushing.

Bella sat there with her mouth open. "What?" I asked confused.

"Are you crazy!? Liam was worried sick of you when he saw you crying!" She exclaimed

"He was?" I said, feeling my heart beat out of my chest. Maybe there was something there between us, I mean I can't ignore the connection between us, I hope he can feel it too.

"Yes! And you have to tell me everything when you come back from you "hang out"." She said using quotations.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't swipe the smile off my face. Now I can't wait for our date tomorrow tonight. Yea, I called it a date because I think it might be one. I go back to sleep after Bella went back downstairs, with a smile on my face.
A few minutes later, I feel the bed move and someone wrapping their arms arounf my waist, knowing it's Liam, I cuddle close to him, feeling his warmth raidiate of his skin. I falls asleep to him kissing my forehead.

A/n Heyyyyyy loves!! yea yea I know it's been awhile but I have school and practice going on so yea. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, my friend Ash helped me with it, so make sure to tell her she did a good job. Follow, comment, heart thanks!! 'Till next time!! xx  

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