Chapter 8 ❤

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~Mikayla's POV~

I wake up, feeling someone's arms wrapped around me. My eyes shoot out, panicking. I have no idea who this person is. I slowly look over and see a sleeping Liam. Sighing a breath of relief, I finally smile, feeling more at ease. I grab my phone and look at the time. 9 in the morning! Why did I wake up now! Groaning, I try to get out of Liam's strong grasp. Only to have it tighten even more, making it seem impossible to move. "Liam." I whisper. he stirs a little but then lets out a small snore. I try not to laugh, failing miserablly. I snickered, making him slowly wake up. Seeing me, he tiredly smiles, brushing a strand of hair that must have slipped out from my braid, pushing it behind my ear. I fight the urge to blush but doesn't win that battle. Few seconds later, my cheeks are so hot you could fry an egg on them.

Luckily, it's still dark outside, so he can't see that I'm red as a tomato. "Morning beautiful." he says, pulling me by the waist, closer to him, snuggling his face into the crook of my neck. I sigh happily, wanting to be close as possible. "Morning Liam." I says smiling.

I don't think I've ever been this happy since the first few weeks of I and Anthony's relationship. Shocked? Yea I would be too, but it's true. Anthony used to be the sweetest guy on earth. That is until a month into our time together he started to get abusive, physically and emotionally. But you guys already knew that didn't you? Anyways, Liam just makes me feel like I'm laying on a cloud full of hopes for a happy relationship at last.

Suddenly a tingling sensation spreads through my body, feeling Liam leave small kisses on the hollow of my neck. Making me giggle.

I can feel him smile, knowing something like a secret, although he already knows I'm ticklish everywhere.

"Liam stop." I say between giggles

He finally stops after a few seconds. "Sorry, I just can't help it." He says, a smirk playing on his perfect lips.

I can bet my face turned a dark shade of red when he chuckles. I cover my face up with my hands, hiding the smile dancing o my lips.  

Only to have them pulled away. "Don't cover you face, it's cute when you blush." He says, tracing the outline of my jaw, leaving me gasping for air.

"soooo, about what I asked you last night, are you still up for it?" He asked, suddenly nervous, which is adorable by the way.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Liam." I says, finding my voice.

Liam shows that hundred watt smiles that melts my insides down to the bone.

"That's great to hear, I swear all of last night was just a dream." He says, having a twinkle in his chocolate brown eyes.

When I think things can't get any more perfect, he leans down and briefly brushes his lips against mine, leaving me wanting more. I reach up, trying to capture his lips but he just smiles and pulls away. 

I huff "Tease." was all I says, crossing my arms. Which made him chuckle again.
"Come on beautiful, we should go downstairs before the others get the wrong idea." He said, taking my hand, pulling me to my feet.

I giggle, knowing they probably will. I slip into the bathroom and change into . After tying my hair up into a bun, I step out to find Liam shirtless and in sweatpants. I couldn't help but swoon at the sight. 

"Having trouble finding a top?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his strong torso.

"Maybe, I don't have the sense of fashion like you you know?" He said, with a smile in his voice.

I laugh "Just pick something, I'm pretty sure you'd look good in anything." I say

I turns around and suddenly hugs me. "Thanks love." he said close to my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I let out a small squeal, seeing that I've been lifted off the ground "Liam! What are you doing?!" I say in surprise

He just chuckles and starts walking down the stairs, coming face to face with the rest. Well face to butt, ugh so embarrassing.  

"Moring love birds!" someone says, who I assume was Louis.

"Shut up Louis!!" I say from behind.

~Bella's POV~

"Shut up Louis!" Kayla says, while she's on Liam's shoulder.

I hold in my laughter, while someone comes up behind me, wrapping their arms around me.

 "What are you laughing at?" Niall asks

I lets out a small snort "It's just Kayla's always over someone's shoulder but she can never get off." I says, covering my mouth

"Bella, stop laughing, this isn't funny, I can hear you!" Kayla shouts

"I can't help that your butm is there for everyone to see!" I shout back, not wanting to wipe the smile off my face

I hear her groan "Liam can you please put me down, everyone doesn't need to see my bum." She asked.

Liam chuckles but finally puts her down, but still has his arms around her. Which makes her sigh and smile. 

I giggle, which is created from Niall kissing behind my ear. "Niall, what are you doing?" I ask, turning toward him.

"Nothing, can't I just have a kiss from my girlfriend?" he asks with puppy eyes. I sigh "okay, fine." I give in and turn around to kiss him properly.

I peck his lips lightly, making him pout and me giggle "What? I gave you a kiss." 

"Yea, but it wasn't what I wanted." He said, still pouting

This time I laugh "okay okay." I say before kissing him full on the mouth. We've kissed before but this seems way better than I thought it was.

After a few minutes of kissing, which felt like forever, I heard a gagging noise. We break apart to see Louis using a finger motion into his mouth. "Get a room!!!" He says, covering his face with a pillow.  

Both mine and Niall's cheeks start to warm with a light pink blush. I knew Louis was gonna be a hand full but not this much.

  A/n Heyyyyy loves!! I know this is short but I have writer's bock right now. Thanks for reading, I'll write another chapter sometime when I have time. Comment, heart and follow! Bye!!!  

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