Part 43

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"It's just me and my baby... Appa's in a photoshoot now and Meimei and i are going somewhere." Vic said as she settle her baby angel in her car seat.

They are accompanied by a cameraman during their trip.

"Where are you going now?" CM

"We are visiting SMTown today. My sunbaenims and hoobaenims wanted to see and meet her that even EXO are camping in our practice room just to borrow my phone and look at Meimei's pictures so now i'm bringing our baby angel to meet them... Clap clap! Very good... Our baby is really very good!" Vic said as Meimei follows her.

"What did you bring? You seems have a lot of stuffs." CM

"I bought 2 bags. My own practice bag with pairs of clothes, towels and water tumbler and Meimei's diaper bag with 4 pairs of clothes, diapers, her beauty products, then her water, milk, bottles and towels and some other stuffs too."

"Indeed the best Mom." CM

"It's a must! I also cooked her baby food and place it in a vacuumed bag to make sure its warm till she have it. I bring cheese too as her snacks."

And then they went on. Vic is glancing at her baby from time to time to see if she's ok or not. Then she played Meimei's favorites song that makes the kid move her hands and feet to the tune.

"She loves listening to f(x) songs then when you play children songs she immediately feel sleepy."

"Shall we try playing a children song?" CM

While on stop, Vic connects her phone in the car's speaker then played random children song and before the third song finished, Meimei is already asleep.

"See? That's why she is growing up fast coz she's sleeping too much which is good."

While driving Vic receives a call from SNSD Taeyeon.


"Unnie, where are you?"

"Im driving, i'll be there in 5 minutes... Wae?"

"EXO members are camping outside waiting for Meimei."

"Aish, tell them to get inside and sanitize before they can play with Meimei. I told them to wait inside though."

"They're really excited meeting Meimei.

"Mianhe... You should keep quiet later..."


"Meimei just got to sleep and she sleeps for 2 hours straight. You need to wait for 2 hours before you can play with her."

"Gwenchana. She needs sleep to grow up. Do you want help with your bags later? I'll send Chanyeol and Suho to help you."

"Yes please, i can't unload the stroller myself, Khun load it in the car before he went to his schedule this morning."

"Arasso, i'll send them down now."

"Gomawo Teangu. Annyeong!"

"Ne, annyeong!"

After the call, Vic's already parking her car when Chanyeol and Suho went out. Fans waiting for their idols outside burst out shouting when Suho and Chanyeol signaled them to be quiet.

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