Background Story

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Jazz's Pov:

Hey! My name is Jazz. I'm 17 and I love the band Why Don't We and the YouTuber Logan Paul. I live with my mom, my brothers and my dad. So today is Friday and I am going over to my friends house. In my bag, I had food, water, soda, clothes, headphones, chargers, and all that good stuff we need to survive. I also had my computer and my ipad. Then I had a few notebooks and my colored pencils and regular pencils with me too. I don't know why I packed all of that.

(Start the video at the top)

So I was walking my dog and this black van pulls up and out pops 5 guys. One comes up to me and say, " Get in the van."

"No, here let's make a deal. I will tell my parents I am sick and then I will cancel my plans with my friends then at 10:30 you guys come back and I will be ready." I negotiated. They agreed and I did what I had to do and then 10 o'clock comes around. I start to grab my stuff. I got my chargers, my computer, iPad, extra clothes and then my phone. I walked downstairs and wrote a note.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

I am fine. Please do not come looking for me as I will be somewhere safe. I want you to tell my friends that I love them so much and that I will truly miss them. Mom, Dad, Bubby, and Brother, please know that I am safe and okay and that I love you guys so much. I will miss all of you guys. I couldn't handle the bullying anymore at school so I decided to leave. Please do not call the cops. I want you to tell Mac that she better not cry because she is also the one who bullied me so yeah. Tell the guys that I will miss their pervertiness and their smiles. Tell James that I will always love him. I will miss them making me smile everyday no matter what. Tell them all I love them so much and that they will be truly missed. I will miss my teachers also and tell them that I love them too. And tell everyone that I will miss them. Good Bye for a while.

Love Jazz."
(This made me cry editing it)

I started to cry. I had to cry silently. And then I thought where should I put it. Then I put it on the coffee pot. Then I grabbed my bags and my phone. I silently told my parents and brothers that I love them and good night. Then I silently walked out of the house. I saw the van. I stopped and though, "Why am I doing this? What am I fucking doing?" I started to cry. I put my hand over my mouth and started to cry. I saw one get out of the van.

"Are you coming ove rhere or what?" he asked. He sounded familiar. I nodded. I grabbed my bag and everything was in slow motion. The tears flowed out like a river. Everything dropped out of sight. All  I could see is the van and nothing else. I saw my future flash before my eyes.

"Congraulations! Jazz Vans Valevictorian! "


"Congraulations to Jazz Vans for winning best singer of the year award!" (Grammy's, alll the award shows.) I got in the van and by the time the van door was closed I was in full blown tears. I felt someone smack me gently on the arm.

(Stop music if you want)

"Hmm?" I said coming back to reality.

"Are you okay?"  He asked.

"Uh Y-yeah w-why?"

"Your are crying." Another said.

"It's just that when I walked to this van I saw my future flash before my eyes and I was gonna become a great singer and win tons of grammies."

"Aw, we're sorry." I heard someone say.

"C-can I ask a q-question?"


"Are you guys Why Don't We?"

"Yeah we are."  One said. My eyes stopped crying and my face dropped. I was like too excited to be emtional.

"Hello?" I see someone waving a hand in front of me. 

"HUH? Why Don't We is actually kidnapping a 17 year old girl from a small town?"

"17 YEARS OLD?!?!?!" Everyone screamed. 

"Fuck! He's gonna be so pissed." I heard Zach say.

"Wh-what are you talking bout? I-I thought you g-guys were gonna kidnap me."

"We are just the people to get the people. He stalked your instagram page and he thought you were 19." I hear the driver say, most likely Jonah.

"P-please d-don't let h-him hurt m-me. Wh-who is it?"

"Can't say." Jack says.

"Well how old is he and what color hair?"

"He's 22 and he has blonde hair." Daniel said.

I decide to lay down. I lay on my stomach with my head on my arms on Zach's lap and my legs on Jack's Legs. I fall asleep after a little while of Zach playing with my hair.

Kidnapped By Why Don't We and Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now