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I motioned for paper. Jack gave me a pencil and paper. 'I had flashbacks and I felt bad bout myself so I was getting rid of the problem. '

"Whose the problem?" Logan asks. I point to me. "You ain't the problem. "

"Jaz I will help you thru this. " Zach says

I nod. "Hey can I take her to get her voice checked out?" Zach asks. Logan nods. He takes my hand and we head to the hospital. They say that I need a surgery so we do the surgery. I was better but still couldn't talk for a few weeks. We head home and go to bed.

Few weeks later:

It's time for me to see if I can still sing correctly. We head to the studio and Daniel starts to play 'Wish you were here by Cody simpson'. Then the cue came and I opened my mouth but I didn't sing.

"You missed the cue." Logan says

"I'm sorry sir but I'm scared and I can't do it without someone. " I say honestly.

"Who?" He asks.

"My friend. "

"You can't go back ok? They stopped looking for you and no one will start looking for you again so might as well just sing because then you can become the 6th member of why don't we. " logan harshly says. It hit me hard. I couldn't breathe. I ran to the bathroom. I was having a panic attack. I sat in front of the door and tried to calm myself down. I heard a knock then "it's Zach" I stood up and let him in. He calmed me down even more. We stared into each other's eyes and he slowly leaned in. I started to breathe faster and lean in too. Then our lips connected and moved in peace and harmony. We kissed for about 12 seconds. Then we pulled back.

"Oh my....I'm so sorry jazz!" He starts to panic.

"It's fine. It's fine. Just tell me that I'm the worst kisser ever and that I should just give up on dating anyone. " I said softly.

"I cant do that. "


"Because that was my first kiss and you were a pretty good kisser. " my eyes widened.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I lied to the guys and said I did have my first kiss. "

"Oh wow. Uhh umm "

"Was that...your first kiss too?" He asked gently.

"Yes. " I said softly while putting my head down.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Jaz. I told you that you were my first kiss. There is no shame bout having your first kiss. "

"I know it's just that...." I trailed off.


"Your a big time music star and I'm a nobody who doesn't even know if she can sing yet. " I silently sobbed

"Here I'll give you a beat to eyes closed by in real life and you start singing. " he starts giving me a beat. I start to sing but when I heard myself I stopped. I sounded bad.

"Why did you stop?"

"I don't sound the same." I cried.

"You sound better. "

"No I sound like a freaking horse. "

"No you sound amazing now let's go show them you sound fine. "

"I can't. Logan made me feel so bad that's why I had a panic attack. "

"Why did he make you feel bad?"

"He said that no one will start looking for me again and that I should just suck it up and sing. "

"Oh but that's good because then we can be together. " he said with a wink. My eyes went wide. "I'm kidding I'm kidding somewhat. I do like you as in more than a friend but I understand if you aren't wanting a relationship in this circumstance. "

"I like you too but like can we ease into it?"

"Yeah. "

Kidnapped By Why Don't We and Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now