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Jazz's pov: (it will be her pov unless stated otherwise. )

When I wake up, I see Daniel awake and on his phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just laying here. "


"Because I can and I didn't want to leave you. "

"Whatever. I'm hungry what time is it? "

"6:30 am"


"Yeah so wanna go upstairs?"

"Can't logan is the only one to bring me food and I'm on lockdown. And you aren't suppose to be there. "

"Okay. " he gets up and leaves. I check my phone. I see a few texts from my friends and a few snapchats from a few guys that use to be my friends. I open them and they are wondering where I'm at. Then the texts are from my best friend asking where I am. I tell them that I moved across seas with my older sister.

"Here's your food. " logan said

"Thank you sir. " he sits down a plate of bacon and sausage. And a glass of milk.

"Now eat up so we can do some stuff today. "

"Okay sir. Thank you again sir. "

"Your welcome. Hey uh what are you doing talking to your friends?"

"Uh just saying that I moved across the sea with my older sister. "

"You know they can track your phone right. We need to get you a new phone right now. " he leaves with my phone and I eat my breakfast. I turn on my radio after I eat and start singing. I felt this tear and snap when I sang a high note. I stopped singing instantly. I had a sore throats and it hurt to talk. I need to get a cough drop to soothe my throat. (Btw this happened to me besides the snap part. I sang high and something was pulled and I couldn't sing high anymore. ) I heard the door open and it was logan.

"L-ho-g-*gasp*n, " I slapped my mouth shut instantly because I called him logan instead of sir and my voice isn't right.

"WhoA what happened when I was gone?" Logan asked. I wrote down what happened.

"Well we'll take you to the hospital because we need you to be able to sing. " I had a questioning look. "Oh because we are gonna change your name and then have you sing covers and then we might get you signed with the WDW boys manager. " I got excited. "But I get half of your paycheck. " I frowned. "I'm kidding. " he takes my dirty plate and leaves. I turn the radio on and listen to some songs. Then I went to use the bathroom. It was a half bathroom so it didn't have a shower. I stunk. I doubt anyone is home and I don't wanna be in trouble for getting out of my room. So I wait for a while. I take a nap. I wake up about a few hours later. I heard the door open and I see Zach. He has ice cream. I wave at him. He gives me the ice cream.

"So I heard what happened and I got you ice cream to heal the pain. And uh you can use the shower upstairs. " I wrote down oh thank god, I was starting to smell like a guy." You are very rude. " he says with a chuckle. I smile. He leads me upstairs and shows me how to use the shower. I strip of my clothes and shower. It felt nice. (The ice cream was put back in the freezer. ) I hear the door open. "Hey uh jazz? I am gonna put a pair of boxers shorts and a t shirt here okay?" I hear Zach say. I reach out my hand and signal an okay. Then I hear the door shut again. I shave and scrub my body thoroughly. I feel clean again. The hair on my legs felt like they were repunzels hair. It took a while to shave tho. And then I got out and dried off and put the clothes on and then walked out of the room to see Zach sitting on the bed. I snap my fingers to get his attention. He looks up. I did the motion that I needed a piece of paper and a pen. He gave me stuff. I write down, 'Can you buy me a sports bra since my is like sweaty and stinky? It doesn't matter what kind just needs to be a xxl. ' I hand it to him. 

"Won't they be suspicious bout that?" He asks. I grab the paper, ' if they ask say you are getting it for your sister who couldn't drive to the store her self. '

"Smart idea. Okay I will run to the store. " he takes me back to my room and then he leaves.

Kidnapped By Why Don't We and Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now