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Zachs pov:

I threw a plastic cup (like a water bottle) at Corbyn but missed and hit Jaz in the head. She fainted. "No!" I shout. I run to her. I kinda like slap her to get her back.

"Corbyn. Get a wet towel please! Quickly!" I shout. Everyone comes downstairs in a rush. "I didn't mean to knock her out. I got pissed at Corbyn because of a reason and I threw a plastic cup at full force and it missed him and hit her! Please just help me wake her!"

Logan grabs her and puts her on the couch. Corbyn puts a towel on her head and she slowly wakes up. I stand by the kitchen island fiddling with my fingers. I see them go to her. I stay back tho.

I see them explaining something to her. Then they help her up. I head back into the kitchen to not see her at the moment. Then I see her slowly walk in the kitchen. My breath stops.

"Zach?" She croaks out.

"I'm sorry. I-I was aiming f-for c-Corbyn a-and m-missed. I'm t-truly S-sorry Jaz. " I apologize. I start to tear up. I feel her near me.

"It's okay. Just why did you throw something at him. " she asks.

"We had an argument and I got super pissed and threw something."

"What was the argument bout?"

"I can't explain it. Okay? I know you want to know but I just can't tell you. It would be weird after that. "

"Okay. But I still forgive you. " she says and then leaves. I sit and bury my face in my arms on the counter. I don't make any noise just letting the tears flow.

"Yo bro. She said she forgave you. What's wrong?" Daniel says.

"Everything! I-i know that I h-hurt her and it h-hurts me m-more to kn-know that. " I stutter

"Okay deep breathes and then just explain to her. "

"Okay. " I take a few deep breaths and then walk up to her room. I knock. I hear a faint come in. I walk in to see her sitting on her bed writing something.

"Hey. " she says.

"Hi. I um want to tell you that we were arguing bout how I didn't get to go with you when we were shopping because I sorta kinda like you. " I said.

"Aww. You could've just said you wanted to go with me. And that's good to know. But I like you too. "

"So why don't we(pun intended) get together?"

"Okay!" She exclaims. I hug her. Then exit the room.

Jazz's pov:

I woke up after fainting to everyone around me. Then they start explaining what happened. I get help up and then I make my way to the kitchen.

(You know the convos)

Then I go to my room and work on a song. Then there was a knock

(You know what happened. )

Now I am back in a relationship that I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for. I walk downstairs to look for Daniel.

"Hey can we talk?" I ask Daniel. He nods. I head upstairs with him trailing me. We go in my room.

"Zach asked me out and I said yes." I say getting straight to the point.

"Yay! "

"But I just got out of a relationship and I'm not for sure if I'm ready for this one. "

"Well just explain to Zach that he needs to go slow so your heart can mend together from the last relationship and build stronger in this one. "

"I miss him. " I say tearing up.

"Oh Jaz come here. " he hugs me and I start to cry.

"I thought this life would be better for me but it's been nothing but the same. I miss him. I miss my friends and my family. I miss my home, Daniel will there ever be a chance that I could go see them?"

"No sweets. I don't think there will be. " he says sympathetic. I cry harder.

"You have to be kidding. " I say. I pull away wipe my tears and then Walk out. I go to sit on the rocks. I start crying again.

"Dear lord, please oh please just let me see my friends and family again. I miss my home. I miss my secret hiding spot. I miss my horse. I miss my barn and my friends. I Miss him most importantly. I know you can make things happen but I need you to help me out here. I miss them dearly and I don't know how much longer I can go without losing it. In your name I pray amen" I break down crying.

"Jaz?" I hear someone croak out. I turn to see Jonah crying.

"Uh what d-do y-you w-want?"

"We are gonna order pizza. Want anything?" Pizza was a Friday tradition in my house. I start crying again.

"Jonah? I need to go back home just one more time. Just once. Please?" My voice cracks

"I'm sorry. You'll have to run it by logan. " he says. I stand up and he hugs me. I cry on his shoulder.

"He won't let me. And I'll take a plain cheese pizza. ". It's not like I'll eat it because it reminds me too much of home.

"It's okay to miss home. " Jonah says.

"Not in this condition. I would miss it less if I wasn't kidnapped but now I miss it and I wish I didn't hurt my parents like I did. "

" oh. I'm sorry jaz. It wasn't my idea. It was actually none of ours except logan. "

"Okay. Well I'll talk to him bout going to see my parents for a few days. "

"Okay. " I walked  inside and found logan.

"Sir? Can I uh talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure" he said gesturing to the chair.

"Can I go home for a few days?" I ask carefully.


"I miss my family and to say goodbye to them properly and to see my friends and ex boyfriend. And to just tell them that I'm okay and that I love them. "

"Okay. Well we won't be able to do that for a while so maybe at the end of this month. Okay?"

"Okay! Thank you sir!"

"No problem but please call me logan now!"

"Okay logan!"

**and that is the end of this book. I can continue this book if you want me too. I just need enough people to motivate me to do a sequel to the book. ***

Kidnapped By Why Don't We and Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now