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A few minutes later:

Daniel comes back with the snacks. He sits them on the bed and then gives me the snacks that are mine.

"So what are we watching?" I ask while handing him the remote.

"You pick. " he says.

"Fine. " I scroll trough the lists and find a Disney show(with no Disney channel flow😂😂) called camp rock. "Found it. Just a heads up I might start singing. "

"Okay. I heard that you sing great."

"No I do not. Whoever said that lied to you. " so then we start the show. He wraps and arm around me and then I snuggle in closer to him. It's like 3:42 pm. Then we hear screaming. I jump and instantly run to the corner. Daniel goes to check it out.

Daniels pov

We heard screaming so I ran downstairs to check it. It was just them screaming over a video game.

"Fuck you guys!" I tell them.


"You made jazz cry. "

"Well sorry we made your girlfriend cry. You know we don't play around with Mario cart. " Corbyn says. I flip them off and go back upstairs.

Jazz's pov

I see Daniel walk thru the door. "It was nothing j. Let's finish the movie if you want if not then you can go back to your room. "

"I wanna finish. We didn't get to the good part yet. " I said with a silly smile.

"Okay." We jump back into bed and cuddle and then we finish the movie. I'm in tears.

"Mitchie didn't deserve that. She's a good girl. " I cry.

"It's okay. " Daniel says.

"Well I should go back to my room. "

"Please stay. I get lonely. " Daniel says.

"Can I at least do something real quick?"


"Uh I need my phone. "

"Okay. " I go down to the basement and get my phone and do the other stuff.

Then I head up the first flight of stairs. I see logan with his arms crossed.

"Yeah I'll just go back to my room."

"Why are you calling Daniel by his name?"

"Because he said he would punish me if I called him sir, but he was joking. "

"Okay and why are you hanging out with him?"

"He wanted me too, Sir. "

"Well you are not allowed to hang out with the boys anymore. You will stay in your room the forever. I will bring you food and water. There's a bathroom in the room so you have that. "

"I'm sorry sir. "

"You damn right sorry. Now go to your room!" He yells. I flinch.

"Sir can I ask a question?"

"Make it quick,"

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital for my surgery?"

"Because I didn't want them to know you were you so I decided I will call a private doctor in and have him do the surgery here. He's coming in a few days."

"Okay sir. Goodnight sir. " I walk back to my room. I flop on my bed and see I have a text from Daniel.

'Where r u?' 'Logan put Me on room lockdown. ' 'what the hell is that?' 'I'm not allowed to hang with the guys anymore and he will give me food. Not allowed to leave the room. Bye. '

I turn my phone off. I hear it go off. I decide to go to sleep.

About 1 hour later:

I wake up with a start to see someone in my room. I start to scream but he shushes me.

"Who are you?"

"It's just me Daniel. "

"Get the hell out. "

"No. So shut the fuck up." I am actually scared. I just turn the other way and go to sleep. Then I feel the bed dip.

"No you can't sleep here. "

"Yes I can and I will. " I roll my eyes and scoot closer to the wall away from him and then lay flat on my back and then I fall asleep. He falls asleep too.

Kidnapped By Why Don't We and Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now