Fight - Poem 47

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People ask me

"Have you guys ever fought?"

I never hesitate to say

"No," with a smile.

Though, now

I'm confused.

Was that a fight?

So when we raise our voices, it counts?

When we are both left shaking in fear and frustration, that's a fight?

But we never leave the conversation without seeing if the other is alright.

If our actions changed the other's mind about being together.

"Are we okay?" we ask each other.

The answer is always full of love and guilt of the bickering.

The answer is always "Yes"

No hesitation, not fear of the future.

We embrace each other, apologizing for the words that spilled blood.

The words from the one you love hurt the most.

We just... don't agree all the time.

But that's okay.

Because it's only a fight.

And that will never break us apart. 

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