Blooming - Poem 53

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Thinking about how our lives have changed can be terrifying, yet so encouraging.

Watching as our years continue on with or without us being prepared.

New experiences litter our already chaotic thoughts.

Feelings that had never dripped even a drop on your heart, embedded and become part of your soul.

Let that smile take place on your beautiful face.

There will be those good times, the times that your stomach aches from all the laughter.

But never forget the bad times, the times that you almost couldn't get through,

The times when you almost gave up, and you didn't.

Those are the times that make you and all that you are.

Life becomes more simple, yes.

Things that didn't used to make sense before, start to resolve in color.

The click of the switch gives you hope,

That just because you didn't get it the first time, doesn't mean that you won't.

Yet confusion also settles in places that you wished would grow more colorful and new again.

But that confusion will teach you about yourself, and how you handle your life.

Letting your soul and mind experience this feeling is what I would like to call blooming.

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