House Of Memories

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"Promise you won't forget me?", a young (Y/N) asked her best friend, Fionn.

"I could never forget you (Y/N)! Just you wait! When we are older like my mommy and daddy, we're are going to get married! And live in a big castle, you can be the princess!
I'll be the prince. And you'll have a lot of cinnamon buns", a young Fionn spoke to the sad girl.

"Pinky promise?", your young self asked. "Pinky promise.", Fionn replied as he intertwined your pinky.

But as most promises go, yours was broken. You hardly ever spoke to Fionn after he moved. Sometimes, an occasional birthday greeting, or a warm "happy holidays!".

You both moved onto bigger things. He became a known actor after his brake through performance in Dunkirk.

You became a world renowned heart surgeon. Your motto is "let's save a broken heart".

You saved so many broken hearts, yet you could never mend yours. After Fionn moved on, you did too. But little did you know, he felt the same emptiness.

"Doctor (Y/N)! Doctor!", your young assistant, Meredith, yelled as she ran behind you. You turned around. "Yes?", you sighed. You were praying that the caffeine would kick in soon.

"We have an emergency! A really bad car accident. The patient got a piece of glass stuck, just beside the aorta. If you don't take this fast he will die. He's a world known actor. No pressure doc", she tried to lighten the mood.

"Ok, ok, put him in operation room 4. Gather Sloan, Gray and Shepherd", you threw instructions at your young assistant.

You quickly ran into the operation room, slipping into your gloves. "Give me his file, quick!", you yelled
You couldn't waste anymore time. The man was loosing blood.

As you opened up the brown file, your heart stopped. "Fionn Whitehead". You felt your world collapse on your shoulders.

If you didn't save him, you'd loose the love of your life forever. You couldn't bare the thought of accidentally killing him.

Breathe, take deep breathes, you instructed yourself. You walked into the operation room, your heart falling. He was so pale, his brown hair was still ruffled. He could never tame it.

You went up to his sleeping body. "Ok everyone, it's a beautiful evening to fix a broken heart".

"Scalpel please", you asked the assistant nurse. As you made the small cut, you felt your own heart thump loudly in your chest.

As you worked on removing the peice of glass from his aorta, you never stoped praying. For once, you felt the fear of the people waiting outside.

"And, the glass is successfully removed", you let out a breath of relief.


"So, how is the patient doing?", you asked your assistant as you rubbed your aching temples.

"The anesthesia just wore off, he is asking to see you", your breath suddenly stopped.

"What?", you looked up at Meredith. "He asked to see you. Is everything alright (Y/N)?", she asked.

"Y-yea. I'm fine. Just sorta kinda stressed", you let a goofy grin break on your face.

As you approached his room, you pondered wether you should go in or not. Finally, coming to the decision that you should, you knocked.

"Come in", you heard a raspy voice say. As you walked in, you tucked a small piece of your hair behind your ear. That piece always stuck out.

"(Y/N)?", he sounded surprised. "Yup, it's me", you tried to smile, but you were too scared.

"Did, did you operate on me?", he asked. Surprise filling his deep voice. "Mhm, it was erm, me", you whispered, you looked down, your white shoes suddenly becoming interesting.

You finally looked up when he spoke again. "You know, I never doubted you princess. I knew your going to be a surgeon. I'm so proud of you", you almost choked when he called you princess.

Suddenly, you felt your old self resurfacing. "And it's nice to see you, a big disappointment, as always", you joked.

He pretend to cry. "How could you?", he whispered. "Hey now drama queen, we get it you're an actor", you giggled.

"So princess, remember our promise? Are you still up for that offer?", he asked.

You merely smiled, nodding your head.

Fionn Whitehead •Imagines•Where stories live. Discover now