Grey's Anatomy: Season 3 Episodes 15-17

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I just need to express the crazy mess of these episodes! In these episodes there is a massive ferry boat wreck and Meredith, Izzie, George, and Bailey are all the site helping.

Then this adorable, perfectly fine little girl, who is very much traumatized and in shock follows Meredith around. This little girl is SOOOO cute might I add!! Then Meredith finds this very injured man who's leg is cut open and then she's helping him and then when she's completely done the guy flips out and accidentally knocks Meredith off the dock and into the cold water.

Here's where I begin to die and flip out. So Meredith is drowning basically. And then meanwhile the little girl just walks away and she will not speak no matter what.

No one knows where she is. That's scary. And it turns out that Meredith really was trying to swim but then she gave up and thought, "what's the point?" And let her self drown!! That KILLED me!! Then Derek finds her.

For me I was so HEARTBROKEN when Derek is freaking out and crying and losing it. I couldn't take it. I was dying inside. It felt like it. Then when she flatlined I flipped out. I was accidentally freaking out.

I was watching at night, about 9 o'clock and I thought about it as I showered, as I fell asleep, first thing I thought of in the morning, and throughout the day it was a constant nonstop thought throughout the day. Yeah. I was obsessed and crazy. It was just insane!!!

Then another part in that episode that I freaked out at was when Meredith's heart barely started up again. When this happened I jumped up and gasped. I got SO excited. Then it only lasted for like 15 seconds, maybe. Then when her heart flatlined again I literally fell on the ground and was dying, crying, and freaking out. My dog was sitting on the chair next to the couch I was sitting at and when I fell on the ground she starred at me. It was funny.

A part that really really killed me and so sad was when Christina went into say goodbye in case Meredith does, which was VERY likely at that point. Christina's face was so sad and she just gripped Meredith's feet and oh my gosh. I couldn't deal with it. Then her heart started and they took out the tube to help her breath and she was breathing on her own.

And it was SO cute when Christina said that she and Burke were getting married and how Meredith was the one person she wanted to tell. I was dying it was SO cute. I just was dead.

Also you know that Meredith's mom, Ellis, dies in the same episode and it was really sad and true when she said that it was okay and probably better that her mom died. That killed me just a tiny bit.

Yeah. This episode was just AHHHHH!!!! And I needed to talk about it! Thank you if you made it this far and read ALL of that! You deserve a shoutout and comment right here if you did read everything and are right here now!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

Shoutout Time!


None of my friends watch Grey's Anatomy. But, all of my friends let me blab and flip out about Grey's Anatomy and they're the best for doing that! I just feel like this person listens the most and really hears what I'm talking about even though she doesn't understand. And I REALLY appreciate it! Thank you my friend!!

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