I'm Watching Grey's Anatomy Right Now.

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Hello. I have been tagged. I was tagged by my awesome friend The_Lovely_Libra !! Anyway let's gooo!!!!

Here's the rules:

• Post the rules

• Tag 13 people

• Come up with 13 questions

• No skipping tags

• If you skip tags do what I say

• Be creative with the title

• Do tag in the book not the comments

Here's the questions I will answer:

1. What's your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is Christmas. It's chiché I know. I just love the atmosphere and everything about it.

2. Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?
I think I don't know. I love daytime and nighttime!

3. Whats your favorite snack food?
My favorite snack food probably Goldfish or apples with cheese.

4. Whats your favorite show?
My favorite show is Gilmore Girls! But I also love Grey's Anatomy too!

5. Would you rather have toes for fingers or fingers for toes?
I'd rather have fingers for toes. Lol 😂 that's a weird question.

6. Have you ever been asked out? If so how?
Nope. Never.

7. Do you like dancing? What type of dancing?
I like dancing. I love watching all kinds of dancing, but I can only really do random awful dancing.

8. Whats your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is either swimming or tennis.

9. Do you play a sport?
Yes. I am on swim team and I will play tennis.

10. Do these questions suck?

11. How tall are you?
I'm 5' 4" I think. Around there. Idk tbh.

12. Whats your favorite eye color?
Any eye color. It depends on the hair color.

13. If you could dye your hair how would you dye it?
I wouldn't dye my hair. My hairs this natural blonde, brown, red ombré. And I really love it.

Now for the questions I'll ask people:

1. Who's your celebrity crush?

2. What's your favorite season?

3. Do you speak any other languages?

4. What is your favorite girl and boy name?

5. Do you like a bowl of ice cream or an ice cream sandwich better?

6. What was your worst injury?

7. Which do you like better, pens or pencils?

8. If you had to live somewhere else, what would you choose?

9. Which do you like better, shower or bath?

10. What is your favorite school subject?

11. If you could learn any language, what would you choose?

12. What are your favorite hot dog toppings?

13. Have you ever cut your own hair?

Now for my wonderful people I will tag!!


Yay! Have fun doing the tag!


*No Shoutout today*

It Me. | All about me, leah_ann. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن