Random Stuff About Me

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This is just a bunch of random stuff I wish I had enough room to write on my description on my profile. So yeah pretty much. Let's get into it.

1. I am a swimmer. I am a not very good swimmer, but I am still a swimmer. If you're a swimmer too or you just want to see what a swimmer goes through go check out my pals vpaige_02 and The_Lovely_Libra relatable swimmer stories!

2. Frozen and Zootopia are two of the best Disney movies ever!! (Don't @ me on this because I'm strongly opinionated on this)

3. I'm way to obsessed with broadway musicals. Mean Girls, Frozen, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Hamilton, Spongebob Squarepants, and Legally Blonde at the ones I'm most obsessed with.

4. Some of my idols who I adore would include Jessie Mueller, Nicolette Robinson, Christy Altomare, Betsy Wolfe, Taylor Louderman, Laura Dreyfus, Mallory Betchel, Caissie Levy, Sara Bareilles, Drew Gehling, Derek Klena, and honestly there's so many more but these are the main ones!

5. My favorite Jennas in Waitress are Jessie Mueller, Nicolette Robinson, Betsy Wolfe, and Christine Dwyer (these are in no particular order btw and also all happen to be the ones I've seen perform live. Coincidence? I think not)

6. I'm so obsessed with Disneyland it's ridiculous lol 😂 I always am watching Disneyland vlogs, facts, and tips videos!

7. I really love vloggers (specially Mama Vloggers (even though I'm a teenager and don't have any kids lol)) My favorite youtubers EVER are Cole and Savannah LaBrant 😍😍 some of my other favorites are Tiffani Beaston, Brianna K, and Tara Henderson, and Kyler and Madison Fisher. They have the cutest families and are just so amazing!

8. Some of my favorite ships EVER are MerDer (Meredith and Derek Grey's Anatomy), Jolex (Jo and Alex Grey's Anatomy), Slexie (Mark and Lexie Grey's Anatomy), Calzona (Callie and Arizona Grey's Anatomy), Java Junkie/Lukelai (Lorelai and Luke Gilmore Girls), Jory (Rory and Jess Gilmore Girls), Patniss (Peeta and Katniss The Hunger Games), Jima (Jenna and Jim Pomatter Waitress), Madam (Mia and Adam If I Stay). If any of these ship names are not the official ones then let me know!

9. I have a ton of dream roles. They are Jenna Hunterson (Waitress), Anya (Anastasia), Regina George (Mean Girls), Elsa (Frozen), Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (Finding Neverland), Glinda (Wicked), Cady Heron (Mean Girls), Karen Smith (Mean Girls), Anna (Frozen), Zoe Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Elle Woods (Legally Blonde), Sophie Sheridan (Mamma Mia)

 They are Jenna Hunterson (Waitress), Anya (Anastasia), Regina George (Mean Girls), Elsa (Frozen), Sylvia Llewelyn Davies (Finding Neverland), Glinda (Wicked), Cady Heron (Mean Girls), Karen Smith (Mean Girls), Anna (Frozen), Zoe Murphy (Dear Evan...

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10. I don't know what to put here but I wanted a number 10 so there we go. Anyway I'll just throw a Mean Girls musical quote out here
"I give you sexy corn!"

So yep. Hope you liked that iconic Karen quote 😂😂
Bye! Hope that wasn't as boring to read as I am thinking it will be as I write this rn. Yeah. Peace out!


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