Grey's Anatomy Freak Out! - Season 16 PREMIERE

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Okay so it's been a very long time since I did a grey's anatomy freak out but I oh well! Anyway, let's get discussing!

So as we all know the first episode of Grey's Anatomy season 16 aired and I watched it yesterday! I freaking loved it and I'm so excited.

So first thing, Jolex has my entire heart and I LOVE them 😭 Alex's "reproposal" was so so cute and seriously they are the absolute perfect couple. I am so happy to see Jo is starting to get better and I can't wait until she gets back into surgery doing stuff and being so badass. Love her. (Also we better be getting at least one Jolex baby before the series ends or imma be sad) so yeah, Jolex, LOVE THEM. So in love with them!

So, every time someone gets fired in Grey's they get rehired quickly so there's no doubt in my mind Meredith, Richard, and Alex won't be rehired soon. I just can't wait for them to get hired again. But yeah enough with that.

Towen. So where do I start with Towen? I really like them but I love Toddy at the same time so I don't even know how to feel. I'm so conflicted. (But Allison is a very cute baby!) Anyway, I died when Tom said all the cute things to Teddy saying he'll be there still when she and Owen don't last and stuff and how he loves her. I love him a lot ❤️ my mom ships Toddy so hard and Tom is definitely one of her favorites characters. She just loves him so much it's kinda funny. 😂❤️

But now, what I'm most excited to talk about! What I'm freaking out the most about...


I was so SHOOK by this. 110% was NOT expecting this and but 110% here for it! I love that Amelia was like "I'm not pregnant." And then finally Karina is like "When was your last period Amelia?" And Amelia is like "Oh. My. God."

But we obviously know who the father is (which is what I'm most excited about)... LINK.

Can I just say I LOVE LINK. He is such a pure (gorgeous) soul 😍 and I ship Link and Amelia SO DAMN HARD 😍😍 I love them so much. Also they would make the prettiest and cutest little child ever 😍😭

The only thing somewhat bad about Amelia being pregnant is that I have a feeling Owen's going to be all weird about it and annoy me. I feel like he'll be like "Oh you didn't want to have a baby with me, but you're pregnant now with Link's kid... blah blah blah"
And imma be like "look dude, you and Amelia are done okay? And you have Teddy and Leo and Allison now so just chillax."

But the cutest part about Amelia being pregnant is that Zola, Bailey, and Ellis will get a cousin. Yep. Did you just die of cuteness? Cause I definitely did. 😍

And I think Link is going to be surprised and shocked that Amelia's pregnant, but definitely be there and such. And he and Amelia relationship grows and ahhh 😍 I've said it once and I will definitely say it more than one more time: I SHIP AND LOVE AMELINK SO MUCH 😍😭

But also I kinda feel like the baby will be a boy. I would want it to be a girl, but I feel like it'll be a boy because of the Grey's kids, there are more more girls than boys and Teddy just has a girl, so I feel like it'll be a boy. And also I think that this pregnancy will definitely be pretty traumatic (considering Amelia's past) and I feel like it'll be more dramatic (like something it going to happen) since nothing happened during Teddy's pregnancy and Amelia is a bigger character.

So I think that's finally all I have to say about Amelia being pregnant 😂

Honestly the only ITTY BITTY dislike of the episode was that it moved so quick it was kinda confusing. But that's not that big of a deal because I thought the episode was really good!

So that's all folks! Comment what you thought of Grey's Anatomy Season 16 Premiere! And let me know what you guys think/want to happen with certain storylines and if you have opinions on things that happened let's hear them!

Thanks guys!

Love, Leah! ❤️

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