Waitress. My Life. My Dream. My Everything.

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This is a short storyish thing. I love Waitress SO MUCH!!! Hope you enjoy!!


When I walked into the Brooks Atkinson Theatre I was excited and scared as heck, mixed with the feeling that I was going to puke. I took a deep breath and went into my dressing room.

I smiled as I saw my name on the door. Inside I had decorated the room to my personal taste. There was a small comfortable couch with cute pillows on it. And I had a mirror that had art on it. My table had makeup and some food and a water bottle on it. Then of course I had a rack with all my costumes.

This was my home. My dressing room. The stage. The theatre. This is where I belonged.

"Leah!" Someone yelled. I had left the door open as I began my long process of becoming Jenna Hunterson.

I still couldn't believe those words. This had been my dream since I was 14. And Waitress had been my favorite musical since then. I knew the show like the back of my hand. Now, my life long dream had come true. Here I would perform my favorite musical, as my dream role, on a real Broadway stage.

A cast mate, Ellery Danes, who played Dawn was the one who called my name.

"Ellery!" I said, getting up from my chair and hugging her.

"I'm so happy you're in the show! You'll be awesome! I know it! But, I gotta keep getting ready."

"Thank you! Bye."

I continued to put makeup on, get my blue waitress uniform on and get my microphone on, which was quite the task, considering the fact that it went through my long thick hair.


Before I knew it it was time for the show. I went on the stage, my home, and stood waiting for the lights to come up. First the sound of the sugar. Butter. Flour played. Then I began singing, "my hands pluck the things I know that I'll need." Then everything came natural.

Standing on that stage, in New York City, I was no longer Leah. I was no longer in New York. I was Jenna Hunterson. I was at a cute diner in the south.

The entire first act zoomed by. Another cast mate, John Jensen, who played Dr. Pomatter, and I had just completed the song, Bad Idea. The audience loved it. They laughed and clapped. Hearing the joy made me giddy inside. Maybe there's a fourteen year old girl in the audience who I'm their idol and Jenna's their dream role too. I had been that girl once. Sitting on the edge of my seat as I watched my favorite musical, with my idol Jessie Muller as Jenna.

"Well good first act," I said to John.

"Yeah. You were incredible!" He replied.

"Thank you," I felt honored and very happy. I walked up to my dressing room and sat down. I grabbed my cold water bottle and drank the refreshing water.

Soon, it was time for the second act. I went back to the diner and was Jenna once again. When Bad Idea Reprise, a song full of raunch and humor, the audience laughed and laughed.

"In the dark dark chocolate pie," I said, when the time came during the song.

Before long the final song came on in the show.

"... to what's inside of love. Love. Love." The adorable girl that played Lulu, Daisy Becker, ran onto the stage dressed in the cutest overalls and jumped into my arms.

"Sugar. Butter. Flour," I sang, smiling ear to ear.

Then the curtain call came. When the last person, which was me had to come out I ran downstage and took a large bow. The audience cheered and cheered extremely loudly. More than half off them all stood up when I bowed. I literally couldn't stop smiling even if my life depended on it. I was over the moon and so happy of my performance.


After the show, as I was exiting the stage door, so many fans were waiting for my autograph. I was tired and wanted to be at my apartment, but I loved the fans. I took pictures and signed playbills and then went home.

As soon as I was home I showered and climbed into my comfy bed. I still was thinking about my performance and couldn't wait to do it even better the next night and for the rest of my life.


I hope you liked this! I just felt like writing this. So, please, vote, comment, and follow me!

Love, leah_ann ❤️



She always votes for my Waitress story and I really appreciate it! She's super awesome! Please go follow her!!!!!

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