Sugar Butter Betsy Wolfe!!! and what? Jason Mraz?!

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So tonight I had the wonderful opportunity to see Waitress! I saw it one year about with Jessie Muller and it was amazing! Today I saw it with Betsy Wolfe! Betsy brought so many new things to the complex character of Jenna. She sung all the songs differently and was so AMAZING! And that's from someone who IDOLIZES Jessie Muller. But am so I'm awe with all the TALENT on Broadway. I also saw Anastasia today, but I'll talk about that another time cause wow! That was amazing too!

Anyway as you big Waitress fans know, Jason Mraz is playing Dr. Pomatter and his opening night was yesterday. He was good, but nobody compares to Drew Gehling. Drew Gehling IS Dr. Pomatter. Anyway a funny moment was the part with the prescription note when it's floating around and Dr. Pomatter can't grab it. During the show it fell into the audience. It was really funny omg. Yeah so I thought Jason Mraz was good and his voice was SO awesome. He and Betsy sounded awesome together!

Later, as my sister and I were walking back, she was talking about how Betsy is and interesting name. Then she was said, "I'm going to name my kid that. Yeah. I'll have Betsy, Jessie, and Desi." That was funny cause they all end in a long "e". If you can't tell my sister and I are OBSESSED with Waitress lol 😂

Also there was a new Ogie which was SO different! Oh my lanta! He was really good it was just different not seeing Christopher Fitzgerald because he was in the show for forever!

Also then at one point in the show the guy who played Joe forgot one of his lines, but Betsy was PERFECT and saved it PERFECTLY. Nobody would have known unless you know the show so well like my sister and I. I was a little sad because Joe and Jenna didn't dance during Take it From an Old Man. Sad cause I love that part.

Anyway I LOVED it! Eiya!!!! I actually was crying in the beginning just because I love Waitress so much!! Betsy Wolfe is INCREDIBLE! If you read all this you win! Tell me if you read all of this!

Love, with sugar, butter, and flour,

leah_ann ❤️

I'll be talking about Anastasia probably tomorrow so yeah!!!

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