First Thing That Pops Into My Head

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Hello. So, this is going to be some random words and I will say what comes into my head. Kinda fun lol 😂 anyway let's do this!

1. afterthought - what I always do lol

2. downtown - cute place with cute restaurants, theatre, and shops

3. observation - the viewing gallery like in Grey's Anatomy for surgery

4. beginner - a mode for a video game

5. snail - so cute! They're adorable when the itty bitty ones are on rocks or cherries

6. coal - naughty list. Don't be bad.

7. car - you drive

8. wind - evil! I hate wind! It's always really windy is fall and spring especially where I live.

9. airport - off on an adventure. I like them after security

10. insurance - idk

11. morning - not a big fan, but I will get up early, just not for school

12. arithmetic - a fancy word for math. Confusion.

13. finger - arthritis

14. office - The Office

15. arch - idk

16. girls - very stereotyped

17. sofa - comfy. Home for binge watching.

18. rabbits - I had an evil one that bit and scratched everyone.

19. cook - Sookie from Gilmore Girls

20. hook - Captain Hook

21. scene - a show. She Used to be Mine is the most heartbreaking scene.

That was fun! I liked that lol!! Hip you liked it!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

***** Shoutout *****


She's just so sweet and funny and awesome! Go follow her! I love this little bean!!!

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