Chapter 2

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Elena woke up and found herself in a room. Its nude theme color reminded herself of her own room. She could not see her surroundings clearly. When she rubbed her eyes to see properly, she noticed that the room was really hers. Elena's room became unrecognizable because of the mess that she has made last night.

'How did I get here? I don't remember returning in here.'

All of a sudden, Elena remembered something.

'Right. Last night, I just attempted to commit suicide. Then someone saved me.'

Minutes of her mind's wandering turned into hours. A simple thought ended into the abyss of oblivion. A new thought would enter in her mind but it would just be forgotten.

Elena didn't know if she should be thankful or she should be angry about what happened last night. She just knew that a silver haired man–or a woman saved her. No–that person made her even suffer more. Elena thought of committing suicide again but she was thinking it might fail again.

Elena tidied up herself and got ready for work. The room was still a mess. The big vase in her room was still on the floor, broken. She did not care about it. If there was something she would still care about right now, it would be how she would explain her tardiness to their boss.

It was quite a problem to fix everything all at once. Elena decided to leave it for later and

Upon reaching their building, everyone looked at her with curious glances.

'What is it this time?' she asked herself furiously. When she reached her office, Margaux walked up to her with the same expression everyone gave her earlier.

"Did you dye your hair last night?" Margaux asked her. "It suits you. You look even more stunning," she exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Margaux just stared at her like it was a big joke. She opened her bag and handed her a mirror. "If you don't know what I'm talking about, then take a look on yourself."

Elena took the mirror and looked at her reflection aghast. Hints of silver white hair became visible in her jet black hair. It looked as if it was the same with the one who saved her. What really bothered her is that she never saw something like this when she fixed herself earlier.

"Now tell me what happened."

"I don't know."

"Come on."

She ignored Margaux until she left her office. 'Thank goodness.'

'Anabelle, come to us...'

Elena immediately got up from her chair. Something was wrong. She was definitely sure of it.

After a few hours of working, Elena finally decided to go to the restroom. While fixing herself in the restroom's mirror, she saw something. Golden flecks were mixed with white silver. Eyes that looked surreal. They stared back into her. Her eyes.

'It is impossible.' She told herself. 'Run.'

The way from the twentieth floor to the basement was like for a few seconds only. Elena desperately searched for her car. Elena inserted the key for her BMW. The engine roared to life. It transcended a mind-boggling speed of 180 miles per hour. After fifteen minutes, the engine stopped.

Returning to a house that is not worthy to come back to is really unnerving. Elena never referred any place as a house ever since that day. Exhaling deeply, she walked in front of her door.

Elena examined her own house. Its gray motif never changed. But she felt as if something was off. There was this air that made her fell really bothered. It was as if someone had been there. Elena felt the urge to find out the reason why she felt that way.

Fear prickled her skin when she reached her room. It was already spotless. There was something even more intriguing than that. On her bed, a white feather was laid properly. The hairs on her back stood.

Creepy. It was the most perfect word to describe what she just saw.

Beside the feather was a black piece of paper. The words of it were written on a white ink.

'Annabelle, remember us. Do not forget what you really are.'

"Hah! What a silly joke!" Elena told herself before Hypnos finally cradled her in her arms.


Waking up due to the cold weather, Elena covered herself with her own blanket. She did not know why the weather got so cold.

Oh. She forgot to turn it on last night. Remembering everything that happened last night made her feel the throbbing pain in her head.

With an attempt to stand up and take her medicine, she was shocked to make wobbly steps.

Elena did not expect herself to have fallen asleep for almost half of the day. The sun's dim rays were blocked by her white curtains. It somehow made her room glow mildly.

There was this feeling again. It was as if someone had been there. Elena shook her head to make her feel like it was just nothing but that effort was futile.

If there was something that never changed in her qualities, it would be her persistency. It never wavered after all.

Even if her mind continued to force her to go and take a medicine to ease the nausea she felt, her body still seemed to contradict her own thoughts. Stumbling, Elena barely made it to her comfort room. That was the place where she placed her medicines.

Elena silently opened the medicine kit. Upon reaching for her own medicine, she noticed something in the medicine. It was oddly familiar though.

A black price of paper was placed inside her medicine box. It had the same writing as the one she just read a few hours ago.

'Find yourself in New York. Answers for your questions will be easily provided.'

Those were the words that she saw until she fell into a dark slumber.

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