Chapter 6

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Upon feeling someone's eyes on her, Elena immediately woke up. For the nth time, she was right of her senses. Someone did watch her sleeping. It was a woman.

A long silver white hair matched her light dress. Her albino skin nearly matched her hair color. The woman seemed like she was in her early forties. Nevertheless, she still posed a striking beauty.

Elena gasped in surprise.

'Could she be the one from that night?' she asked herself.

"You seem to be aware of my presence." She softly said. "Very well, there are clothes that you would need in that cabinet." She said while pointing at the cabinet where the lampshade was placed.

"Please be quick. Someone will escort you outside that door." The woman added before leaving the room.

In order to meet with the woman's expectations, she immediately finished fixing herself. She was quite relieved to see new undergarments in the drawer. Without thinking of beautifying herself, Elena got out.

Elena opened the door and came face to face with a teenage boy. He was different because he wore a very bright smile that looked like nothing mattered to him. At least he seemed like the most normal person in that place...yet. His features were angular and almost perfect. His eyes had a bright emerald color with flecks of gold.

"Hello, Elena. I am Nero." Nero started with a smile. "I am the one who was tasked to escort you to the meeting room." If his facial expression was so bright, then so was his voice.

"Okay." She silently responded.

Nero silently led her to the hallway. The floor's old wood screamed its rarity. Anyone who owned the place was absolutely rich.

"It has been a long time since someone became our guest." He started. "I never thought that there would still be someone out there."

Elena eyed him questioningly. Smiling even bigger, he walked in a graceful manner.

"I am pretty sure that you are well acquainted of the seven archangels." Elena nodded. "They were the ones who accompanied Him. Lucifer was, however, someone with evil intentions. He defied the will of God. A war broke out due to his attempt of becoming the god. Lucifer was cunning and made a lot of rebels to stand beside him.

"In the end, they were defeated. Some of them were thrown here on earth. Many were sent to hell."

Elena stared into the wall and ran her fingers over it. It seemed old yet strong. She returned her attention to Nero.

"You are pretty quiet."

"Don't mind me." She told him.

"Okay." Ending his words with a smile, he continued to walk. "Is there anything you would like to ask me?"

Thinking for a few seconds, Elena finally responded. "Why are you named Nero?" Shooting him a suspicious look, she continued to walk.

The young man started to laugh. "Are you worried that I might be Nero of Rome? I am not." He told her reassuringly. "He was named after me. It was such a shame to stain my name right?"

Elena's eyes widened. Nero gave her a quick smile.

"It must have been a shocking news for you. I have been living for more than two millennia," Abruptly turning serious, she saw a different expression in him. Right there, she saw the image of a man who had lived for more than two thousand years. In front of her was a man who watched the earth for a very long time.

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