Chapter 5

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The Author's Very Short Note

Hi guys! To make up for the late update, I will add another one. Enjoy!


Feeling tired, Elena gently rotated her neck in a clockwise direction. Her neck felt the worse. The long hours of working probably strained her upper body.

Slowly, she felt her eyes getting tired and painful. Before reaching for her glasses, she looked at her roommate. It seemed like he went out for a while.

Elena immediately wore her spectacles to minimize the effect of the radiation that was caused by her computer. She blinked twice then thrice. The spectacles seemed to make her look at her surroundings in a blurred way. Feeling confused, she too it off and was quite surprised of the outcome. Her field of vision was really good. It was too good for her to be exact.

'How did this occur?' Elena shook her head in disbelief. 'This is probably just a hallucination.'

A familiar voice interrupted Elena's array of thoughts. Looking at the owner of the voice, she immediately recognized him as Luke.

"I believe that you have not yet seen or met the president." He started. Heart thumping wildly, Elena slowly nodded. "Mr. Alexander would like to meet your existence." He added with sarcasm and scorn on the last word.

"When will it be?" Casually, she asked him.

"It would be right now. As you can see, the president went out of the state to attend other occasions. You're lucky enough to meet him."

"And why would I be?" Elena asked him curiously.

"You'll see." With a mocking smile, he strode away.

"What a weird guy." Elena silently blurted out.

The way to the highest part of the building was not really hard. After hearing the elevator's sign, Elena went out as the elevator opened. As said by Luke, the highest floor is where the president is located.

True to his words, the whole floor was the most grand. It looked even more luxurious compared to the other floors down there.

Elena footsteps were silently amplified by the hard and shiny floor. As she wandered the area, she saw a woman. She was undoubtedly the secretary of the president. Elena slightly approached her. The lady's ginger hair shone in a very appealing manner. Her bluish eyes lit up as a sign of her recognition to her. She looked older than Elena. Still, she was beautiful.

"Miss Marcantonio?" Elena nodded to her.

"I see. I will accompany you to the president." She smiled enthusiastically. "Please follow me."

The woman was a few inches away from her. Elena faced the woman's back and silently followed her. Their shoes became the only evident noise that Elena could hear. At least there was something to break the unfathomable silence.

For a few seconds, Elena's heart started to thump faster. She wondered what the president might look like. There were no images that were printed for the owner of this billion-dollar empire. Well, they were possibly trying to hide his face from anyone else.

The woman halted. Elena's heartbeat also stopped.

Gently, the lady opened the door. The room looked like it was the biggest room Elena has ever seen. It was massively spacious. A normal house could have looked small if someone would compare it to this room. The two corners of the room had huge glass windows to cover it. Judging by the looks of it, it was bulletproof.

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