Chapter 7

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"Elena?" Jane softly called Elena's name.

"Yes?" Elena reluctantly replied.

"There must be something bothering you. It is clearly evident in your face."

Elena nodded slowly. Jane quickly understood what bothered Elena.

"Don't worry. I am tasked to explain these trivial matters to you. There would be a lot of them. So I say that you should digest everything that I would tell you."

After a few hundred steps, they reached another part of the House. Jane delicately opened the old handle and revealed an enormous library. The library seemed to have more than a thousand bookshelves due to its immense numbers. The whole room had two floors filled with bookshelves lined up in rows and columns.

The top of the ceiling was decorated with a painting. It covered the whole ceiling of the library. The painting was all about angels. At the center of the first floor, different books covered with transparent glass had been placed. Elena slowly walked closer to those.

Looking at the books, she gasped when she saw them. She slowly looked at Jane. Jane just gave her a smile.

"There are a lot of authentic books present in this library. Their authors have been generously giving them as a token of their gifts to us. Believe me, Miriam even met Geoffrey Chaucer and befriended him." Elena's eyes widened because of what she heard. So Miriam was really way older than the rest of them.

"Over the years that we have spent here on earth, we have known a lot of friends and enemies. We had been with them and watched them die." Full of grief, Jane ended her sentence.

Looking at Elena, Jane motioned her to follow her. Elena tagged along with her. Jane promptly sat on one of the chairs and was followed by Elena.

"Do you prefer to open a book and read the history or do you prefer to listen to it instead?" Jane suggestively asked her.

"I'd favor the last one." Elena answered.

"Okay. We, the seraphs, had lived for eons protecting the lives of God's creations. Our powers lie within us. Although power can increase over the years that a seraph develops, there are some cases wherein a seraph can acquire an immense power over a short period of time. However, there were only a few cases of that. Throughout, the history of seraphs, there were only five cases that were reported and proven. There were three women and two men who acquired it. And they were said to be the most powerful ones that ever existed."

"So where are they now?" Elena asked.

"All of them died." A shadow of gloom passed Jane's face. "Fearing of their power's immense abilities, many seraphs tried to kill them."

"Then are there evil seraphs?"

"Yes. There are a lot of them here on earth. They are one of the hindrances of seraphs in accomplishing their missions. They have been called the New Fallen Ones. Most of them were reported to be working with the Fallen Ones. This is the reason why we voted you to stay here with us. You will be hunted by their members. You might be forced to become one of them or be killed." Elena shivered because of Jane's last word.

"S-so what would I do now?" Stammering, Elena asked Jane.

"Right now, you need to develop your powers. That's why Ajax would be teaching you hand combats. Although I don't think that he would be a good mentor in magic. I would suggest Miriam to change your magic instructor."

The Seraphs: Elena's Consequence (CURRENTLY ON-HOLD) Where stories live. Discover now