Chapter 7

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They quickly hide behind a desk and Christa breathes a little as she lifts her shirt a little to see her wound bleeding through her bandage a little. "Fuck." She mutters, getting Shaw's attention.

"You OK?" He asked in concern, Christa nodded, she held out her gun and shoots, trying to distract Burke and the last man, they jump over the desks as Burke and the man shoots them, but misses.

Then Shaw and Christa heard hissing and saw a gas smoke, "Shit!" They yelled as they ran, they quickly ran for the exit but Christa stop and grab a chair, Shaw stopped when he saw her still in there.

"Christa, what are you doing?" He asked, but she ignored him and waited, when she saw the last man, she hit in with the chair, she saw him took out a knife so she took out her switchblade again and they swing at each other as they fought.

Christa quickly kicked the knife out of his hand and went behind him, took off his gas mask and stab him in the head, she took it out as he limped to the floor, wiped his blood off on his clothes.

She saw Burke and quickly ran as she put her blade away and picked up her gun and ran out the door where Shaw was waiting and they ran as Burke shot them but still misses.

They opened the fire escape door and heard the elevator door working, they pointed their guns and the doors open to see Darrow. "Hello, Shaw and Johnson. Off you two a ride to the lobby?" "What?" Shaw said confused as Christa arc an eyebrow at him, confused as well.

Darrow walked out of the elevator and Shaw said, "Don't move. Stay where you are." They heard a gun click and Christa froze when she felt a gun pointing behind her head, "You think you can get a shot off before me?"

"Yeah, try. At least one of you would go down with me." Christa said, Burke hit her head with his gun as she shots, missing Darrow and hits the side of the elevator. "Are you crazy?" "You're alive, aren't you?" Burke kicked Christa's gun as Darrow picked up her gun.

Burke pick up Christa and points his gun at her neck as Shaw was about to shoot Burke. "One move and your partner here is history." Burke said, Shaw was mad, Burke was going to kill Christa and he didn't want to lose her.

"Drop the gun and she won't get hurt." Shaw then put down his gun as Darrow grabbed his gun as well. Burke drag Shaw to the meeting room and shove him against a table as Darrow held Christa as he pointed her own gun as her head so she wouldn't move.

"All you had to do was lay it down and walk away. Now look at you. Hand me the flash drive." Shaw stood up and said, "I can't do that." "Then I'm afraid you're of no use to me." Burke pointed the gun at Shaw and Christa said, "Leave him alone!" Darrow grip her harder and pointed the gun at her as he said, "Be quiet."

"I know you still have it on you. You are nothing if not predictable. I'm willing to bet it's in your back left pocket. Now, hand it over. Or either I'll shoot you in the head and take it anyway. Or your little girlfriend here is going to join Officer Taylor and Ray Jones." Burke threaten.

"You sick son of a bitch! Shaw, don't listen to him." Christa said, "And it's sad to see her die, she's actually pretty and strong unlike any women I seen. And I know you cared about her, I bet that you'll do anything to protect her. It's either the flash drive or your partner."

Shaw doesn't want to lose Christa, so he has no choice but to took out the flash drive and gave it to Burke. Burke snap the little piece off the card, throw them to the ground, stomp on it, destroyed it.

"You know my favorite part of training? It's combat exercises." Burke then punches Shaw as Christa watches helplessly to stop him, "You call that a punch?" Shaw said, "That was just my good cop. Wait till you see my bad cop."

Burke then punches Shaw from behind and puts him in an headlock, "This is what you get for fucking with me!" Christa can feel tears in her eyes, and then remembers something.

She still has her switchblade so she slowly and carefully took out her switch blade and opened it as Burke let go of Shaw and said, "You're gonna die, just like Ray Jones did. You never should have come back, Shaw. You never had what it took for the job even before you lost it."

Shaw try to catch his breath as Christa said, "This comes from a guy who sells drugs and works for George Freemont." "Just you wait, once I get rid of Shaw, you'll be next." Burke growls, "I doubt it." Christa said before she stabs Darrow on the knee as he screams in pain, she elbow him in the face and kicks him to the wall, she took her blade out as she grabs her gun and points it at Darrow and Burke as she walked over to Shaw.

"Hand me Shaw's gun." Burke said as Darrow slowly got up and gave him Shaw's gun. "Should've known you were going to do that." "Got any last words for Burke, Shaw?" Christa asked her partner while still glaring at Burke.

Shaw got up and said, "Yeah. Is 'asshole' one word or two? 'Cause I don't want to spell it wrong on his Christmas card." Christa rolls her eyes in amusement as Burke chuckled and said, "That is a funny man! I'm gonna savor the moment when your heads pops."

Burke took out the stockpile and saw that Shaw's gun has 2 rounds left, "Saved 2 rounds for yourself?" "Actually, I saved one round for him, and I saved the last for you." Burke pointed the gun at him and before he pulls the trigger, the lights turn off, and Shaw and Christa attack Burke.

Shaw was able to shoot Darrow and the two partners beat up Burke as he was trying to fight back, then Shaw and Christa tackled Burke through a glass window and shatter it and they quickly ran as fast as they can.

They quickly check their guns and saw that both of them has 1 last round left. "Last round." Shaw said and they saw the SWAT team and quickly ran.

"Shit!" They said as they ran to avoid the bullets. They hid in a room and stay quiet as the head the SWAT team pass them, when it got quiet, they walked out and walked off to avoid the SWAT team.

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