Chapter 9

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It's been months since Burke and Meeks got arrested, along with Matthews who got fired and been replaced. Christa and John got their wounds treated well, got better and got promoted to Officers. As they stop crimes together, they became closer and closer as John was closer on figuring out why Christa never dates men.

The night was calm. The night was quiet. The night was hot; which was always to be expected in New Orleans, LA, this time of year. A cop car was occupying the parking lot of Casey's General Store. For a stakeout? No. Just a quick pitstop for an 8:00 pm cup of coffee and a slice of pizza. Actually, 8:15 to be exact.

Christa made her way back to the cop car pizza and drink carrier in her hands. She walked over to the driver's side window, tapped and waited patiently as John rolled down the window.

"Here's your coffee and pizza." she said passing a cup of coffee and a sligle slice to her partner in the driver's seat.

"Thank you, Christa." he answered gratefully.

"My pleasure, John." Christa replied.

Christa walked in front of the car, her beverage and snack in hand, and reached the passenger's side door. She opened the door and slid inside before shutting the door. She got settled in before taking her first sip of the hot brew.

John went to take a sip of his coffee, then halted. "You didn't doctor my coffee with some of that fancy-schmancy flavoring, did you?"

"Nope. Black. Just the way you like it."

"You know me too well, 'officer'." John teases

"Well 'officer'," Christa teases back, "I've been your partner for some time now. If there is one thing I needed to know about you is how you take your coffee."

John put the cup to his mouth, sipping carefully. He felt the warmth of the beverage pass smoothly down his throat before smacking his lips. "Aah. Perfect. Better than what you drink."

Christa lightly chuckled. "Well, Mr. Shaw. I'll have you know that there's nothing wrong with my French Vanilla coffee."

"Well, Ms. Johnson. I prefer my coffee without the flavorful trimmings, thank you very much." he added playfully.

"You're knocking my coffee?"

"That is not coffee, officer. This.." he said pointing at the cup in his hand. "is coffee."

"You can have your coffee your way, and I'll have it my way. Now pipe down and eat your pizza."

"Yes, ma'am."

They both chuckled lighty before taking a bite out of their pizza, consisting of pineapple, and Canadian bacon.

"Yummy. Very good."

"Very tasty. I can't believe you've never tried pineapple on your pizza, John."

"I would have probably said that putting fruit on a pizza is a mistake."

"Tomato's a fruit." Christa stated.

Shaw eyed her quizzically as he chewed his bite of pizza before speaking. "Oh, yeah. I forgot."

"Changing the subject now, Mr. Avid Reader. What's your book of choice this week?"

If there was one thing anybody knew about John Shaw is that he was a mega-fan of reading. He loved books. It was his escape from the trials of this world.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told ya," he said before taking another bite of his pizza.

"Try me." she dared.

"Okay," he answered after swallowing. "Taming of the Shrew."


"Yep. Wait. Why do you say Shakespeare like it's a shock?"

"You don't seem like the type."

"OH-HO! I didn't know I had to be a type to like Shakespeare."

Christa held her hands upward. "I'm not knocking you for it, John. I'm just surprised. In a good way, mind you. No offense, but you seem more like the James Patterson kinda guy to me."

"2 things, Christa. 1: I like William Shakespeare and James Patterson both. 2: Believe it or not, under this 6'4 225 pound rough and tough muscular exterior of this brown-haired blue-eyed man, happens to be a pretty deeply sensitive guy."



"Okay. I'll bite. Give me some of your sensitivity, Romeo." she challenged.

Officer Shaw placed the pizza crust on the armrest between the drivers and the passengers seat, then turned in his seat facing his partner. John spoke in a smooth, raspy British Accent.

"But soft. What light through yonder window breaks. It is the East." He reached out and light cupped Christa left cheek in his right hand, running his thumb across her skin, light blush appeared on his cheeks. "And Juliet... is the sun."

Christa smiled as a light blush appeared on her cheeks before speaking. "You're good, but you're trying too hard."

Shaw quickly retrieved his hand. "Oh, come on now!" he griped dropping the accent. "Give a guy a smidgen of credit here, for Heaven's sakes. Geez."

"You know I like picking on you."

"Well, I've seen you mad before and I would hate to be on the other end of your angry ramblings, dropping curse words left and right." Christa's mouth dropped open in an 'o' shape. "And the words you use, I'm sure God would shake his finger at you on Judgment day."

Christa balled up her right fist and slugged him hard on the right shoulder.


"You sleazy son of a- MMMPH!"

Shaw rapidly clapped his right hand over his partner's mouth, crossed himself before closing his eyes in prayers. "Lord, forgive my friend for such malice on her tongue. She knows not what she says. Amen."

He released her as she glared at him. "Was that necessary?"

"As far as my avid reading is concerned, my Bible is always my book of choice. It's gotten me through some tough situations."

"I never took you for a Bible reader either!"

"Oh yeah. Without a doubt."

"Good for you."

At that moment, the police scanner went off in the car. Christa answered pressing the talk button.

"Officer Johnson with Officer Shaw here. What do you got?"

They listened as the male voice described an act of dispute was taking place at a location near their area. Three blocks away to be exact. The man also made mention of the 911 call being made by a 6 year old girl saying, 'I think he's going to hurt my mom! Please! Help her! Please!'

'Domestic violence,' Shaw thought as his eyes connected with Christa. The man gave them the address of the location as Shaw buckled his seat belt.

"We're on it." Christa said before ending the conversation.

Christa buckled her seat belt as Shaw flipped a switch turning on the police siren, turned the ignition on, then put the car in drive and speed out of the parking lot heading on down the road. He had requested for his partner to call for back-up, hoping they were not too late.

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