Chapter 10

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Moments later, the officers pulled up to the two-story brick house. Officer Shaw put the car in park. He and Officer Johnson undid their seat belts and exited the car. They removed their cop hats and tossed them in their seats before shutting their doors. They walked the straight cement walkway leading to the house.

"What's your plan, John?"

"I'll let you know."

Just then, they heard the sound of glass breaking and a woman's voice cry out. They ran the rest of the way until they reached the front door; John on the right side, Christa on the left. They removed the guns from their holsters. John tried the doorknob. Locked. He stood back a step, then, with all his might, kicked the door in. John and Christa stepped inside to the living room on their left. They saw a muscular dark-haired man standing over a woman, whom was sitting fearfully on the couch. John and Christa had their guns pointed at the intimidating male figure.

"FREEZE!" Officer Johnson demanded.

"Step away from the girl and put your hands over your head. NOW!"

The behemoth charged at the officers. Had they not moved aside, he would have plowed them both over. He took off heading up the stairs.

"I'm going after him," Officer Shaw announced as he made his way to the staircase.

"Be careful." Officer Johnson warned as she made her way to the the woman's side. "It's alright. You're safe now. Help is on the way. Are you hurt?"

The woman shook her head 'no'. "My daughter. She's hiding upstairs."

The two officers' eyes connected. John gave his partner before he ascended the steps.

"Don't worry. My partner will find her. Let's get you outside."

John made it to the second floor of the house, gun held out in front of him. He checked the closet to his left, the upstairs bathroom. Both clear of the intruder. He made his way to what he guessed was the main bedroom, next to the upstairs bathroom on the left. He walked over to the closed door and took a deep breath. He quickly crossed himself before placing his hand on the knob and turned it slowly. It turned with ease and the door opened inward. His left hand reached for the small flashlight on his belt, nestled against his left hip. He turned it on, flashing the light to the right wall. He found the light switch and flicked it on before replacing the flashlight to his belt.

It was just a basic bedroom. Bed, chest of drawers, TV, closet. Very simple. John continued to hold the gun outward away from him as he neared the closet. He walked over and pushed the sliding door of the closet open and peeked inside. Empty. He shook his head in frustration. He had to find this man before...

Before another thought entered his mind, he felt a leather belt wrap tightly around his throat. His hands grabbed for the belt immediately.

"Drop the gun... or I'll snap your neck." The attacker hissed in John's ear.

He dropped the gun to the side without a moment's hesitation. His fingers clawed at the strap of material around his neck as his attacker pulled him backwards. He tried to pull the belt away from his windpipe. He gagged and struggled, trying to break free of this man's iron grasp. John couldn't draw a proper breath. He continued to struggle until he brought his right elbow into the mans ribs, connecting 2 times. The man finally released John.

John fell to a heap on the floor, his back hitting the wall near the closet, gasping deeply coughing. The 6'5 male growled at the pain in his rib-cage before driving the toe of his right boot into John's gut twice. John groaned loudly as his arms circled around his midsection.

"Cops. Never was a fan of them." He reached down and grabbed a handful of John's hair. John made it to his knees. He eyed the man, who's face was merely an inch away from his. "You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, boy."

Perfect opportunity. John brought his right arm in between the man's legs, connecting with his groin. John then balled up his right fist and found his target, the nose. John made it to his feet, preparing himself in a fighting stance.

"You broke my nose!"

"You can handle it. You're a big boy. I say 'boy' cause that is all you will ever be."

That was enough to set the big guy off. He balled up his fists and took a swing. John blocked the blow by bringing his left arm up. With his right fist, he socked the guy in the face, brought the soul of his right foot into his attacker's solax plexis, then landed a vicious right to the man's jaw. He went for a left hook, but the man grabbed his arm, and drove his right elbow into John's face, catching him off-guard. He then added a right-left-right combo to John's face, the last blow sending him to the carpeted floor.

The villain reached down and picked up the gun, eyeing it as if it possessed him. He used his foot to roll John onto his back before lowering himself to the floor. He pulled the hammer back as he aimed the weapon between John's blue eyes.

"I've never killed a cop before. I've always wondered what it would be like."


With the distraction, John brought the palm of his right hand upward, smacking his opponent's already broken nose, causing him to drop the gun. The 3 cops made their way into the room and quickly held the man down on the floor, slapping the handcuffs on him. The head officer, a mid-40's male, clean shaven, Officer Thomas Pepper to the bureau, assisted John to his feet.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine." he answered as he bent over to pick up his gun. He walked up to the attacker, whom was now standing up again. "You don't like being pushed around, do ya? Don't like being manhandled? How do you think she felt? Get this piece of trash out of my face before I decide to continue with the beating he deserves."

John placed his gun back into his belt holster as they took the man away. He turned his attention to the head officer. "How's the woman? Is she safe?"

"She's with your partner outside. Shaken up, but safe."

"Did he hurt her?"

"She said he didn't. Looks like he walloped you pretty good." he said noticing the instant marks on John's pulling a handkerchief out of his back pants pocket, and passed it to John. "Blood on your lip."

"Oh. Thanks." John replied with a nod as he lightly dabbed at his lip. "Did you get the name of the woman?"

"Her name is Annabelle McGee. 27 years of age. She said she has a daughter hiding up here somewhere. Did you find her?"

'The daughter' John thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. He forgot about the daughter. He put the handkerchief in his shirt pocket, then proceeded out of the main bedroom. He remembered seeing one more door on this floor... and he knew right then and there where she was hiding.

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