About (Shelby's POV)

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I've been editing a Facecam video. I wore a sweatshirt to cover up the marks on my wrists and put foundation around the marks on my neck. Joey wasn't going to stop me uploading videos. Editing is getting boring, so I decide to get onto Harmony Hollow. I clicked tab, and saw that Will was on. I decided to get onto Team Speak.

"Will! Wanna make a clip? I need more minutes!" I said, doing my best Graser impersonation.

"Uh. Yeah. Sure. What do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know. Lets just start talking and an idea will come," I responded.

"Uh. Okay. Do you need help with anything?" Will continued.

"Come with me to my strip mines and we can mine while we chat. I need more gold because Grase stole it to make lucky blocks," I answered. No one really knew about my mine. It is by the old villages, but it is full of ores. That's where I get all of my money.

"'Kay. Be there in a min. Did you do anything fun today?" he said.

"Not really. Just edited a video. Nothing really important, just a Facecam vid," I replied.

"I love your Facecam vids. I really like hearing your life and seeing your face," he said. What the heck. That sounded so awkward. It kinda sounded like he liked me or something. And, he was so awkward in the beginning. Wait. Does he actually like me? I mean. I don't know. Do I like him?

"That was awkward," I said.

"Yep. I found diamonds." He told me.

I laughed. "Yeah." I said.

"So, I talked to Gizzy. I asked him why you were upset. He told me that Joey has been a jerk lately," he said.

"He's always a jerk. Besides, what does it matter to you? You only need me for the content," I said. I don't know why I got so snarky. It was probably because he brought up Joey and he talked to Gizzy behind my back. Well, I mean, he told me that he would. I just don't want to seem weak in front of him.

His voice softened, "Come on, Shelby. I know that it's hard. You need to break up with him. I know that he's been mean to you. I can't let this happen to you. I care about you too much."

I know that I need to break up with him. Will telling me has just made me more sure of what I need to do. How am I going to do it? I need to do it in a way that won't hurt me. No one will hurt me any more.

"Can you help me break up with him. You probably know more about boys than I do," I asked.

"Yeah. Let's talk about it tomorrow. You need some time to think and I need to sleep," he answered.

"Okay. Good night. Thank you so much, Will. I'll talk to Gizzy. Sleep tight."

I logged off. I'm ready. Once I break up with Joey, then maybe I can get another boyfriend. Someone who isn't a jerk. Perhaps someone like Will.

A/N Dun dun dun! I love writing this one, and I'm only 3 chapters in! :3. What do you think of Will and Shelby? I want to add a ParkBomb element or something, but I'm not sure. Lemme know. If you read this, say cheese in your comment. PS would have updated yesterday, but I spent the night at a friend's place. :)


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