Unexpected (Shelby's POV)

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I just sat on the couch and cried in Will's arms. I don't even know why. Is it because I hurt by Joey, or is it because my friends love me so much? Will picked me up and we went to my bed. My arms were still clinging around his neck as he laid down and played with my hair.

He whispered to me. "I wish I could just move to the U.S. already."

"SHELBY I MADE YOU A SANDWICH! ALSO, GIZZY IS HOME." Liam screamed as he threw open the door.

"MADE YOU ONE TOO SHELBY!" Parker screamed even louder. "Aww. You guys are so cute. Just get together already."

I sniffed. "Right now isn't the time, Parker." They left the sandwiches on the bed and shamefully walked out of the room. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my sandwich and gave Will his, ravenously taking a bite. Hey, your girl's gotta eat.

I went out into the living room. I feel weird. I know I like Will, but he lives in the UK. I really don't think that a relationship will work out long distance. If you know me, then you know I need attention. I don't think I could deal with the stress of a long distance relationship.

Liam and Parker were sitting on opposite sided of the couch. I saw Ethan and a lot more of my friends in there. All of a sudden, Graser showed up in front of a TV with a cake.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" he yelled with his high pitched voice. I was not prepared for this. My birthday wasn't for another two weeks. Was Gizzy okay with this? Had they told him in advance about the party?

I blew out my candles and talked a lot with Parker and Liam. There seemed to be a lot of tension between the two of them. At least Will didn't talk to me. I still don't quite understand my feelings for him.

The rest of my friends mingled and soon, the party drew to a close. Liam, Parker, and Graser said there final goodbyes, leaving only me, Will and Gizzy.

"Hey Shelby?" Gizzy called out. "Can you come here for a minute?" I left my room to go into Gizzy's and took a seat on his bed.

"I think I want to move to Seattle with Cor."

I had a weird mix of emotion. Of course I felt sad that my roommate was leaving, but I had an opportunity for one of the boys to stay with me. Perhaps Liam, since he was looking for an apartment.

"Okay. I need to know the dates and stuff. Just let the landlord know. I am so happy for you guys!" I responded.

I walked through the living room where I found Will almost asleep on the couch. I went into my room, flopped on the bed and opened my phone.

Shubbs: Guess wat

Liam Neeson: Its 3 in da morning. Wut

Shubbs: Gizzys moving out so do u wanna move in

Liam Neeson: IDK

Shubbs: U need an apartment so mine is available. Plus I accept dogs.

Liam Neeson: Sure I guess. I will talk 2 u tomorrow. Goodnight.

I put down my phone and pulled up the covers. I got another ding from my phone. I grabbed it, expecting it to be Liam.

Porker: Wassup?

A/N: I haven't uploaded in a while but deal with it. I had finals, holidays and stuff. But I was mainly too distracted by Sharker fics to get anything done. Spoiler: This is going to be a Sharker fic for a while, but only to break them up l8tr. *laughs manically*. Anyway have a fabulous day!

  '=;=' Lia

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