Unwelcomed (Will's POV)

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They call me peanut butter.

Cuz' I'm smooth.

HOLY CRAP! I made a move on Shelby. I can't believe I just did that. I am freaking out, but I know I shouldn't I just need to play it off cool. She leaned onto my shoulder, wait what? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M FREAKING OUT!!! I need to stay calm. Besides, we are watching a lovely movie. I looked down to see Liam's arm around Parker. My ships are sailing ASDFGHJKL!!  Hey, Senpais can have Senpais, too.

Today is absolutely perfect. I love all of the people here. I kinda wish Gras was here. He would have loved this.  No one is interrupting us. I am not building on the Avenue. No checking Twitter. Just spending time with by best friends and not focusing on the outside world, and just living in the moment. 

And soon, the movie was over. We all got up and tuned on the light. I finally saw all of the scars and bruises that covered her body. Poor Shelbs. I need to see what I can do help her. After all, that's what I came here to do.

"I'm hungry," Parker said.

"You literally ate 2 hours ago," responded Shelby.

"But he's a growing boy!" Liam whined.

"Fine. Go make yourself a sandwich. The bread is in the cupboard. I'm gonna work on the Avenue," She said.

I wasn't hungry, so I decided to help Shelby. I followed her up into her room and pulled up another chair by the desk. She came and sat down next to me.

"Thank you, Will."

Why was she thanking me? I haven't done anything to help her. In fact, I've probably made her feel worse about herself. I didn't say anything, and she went onto Minecraft and started building. I could here the boys talking downstairs.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Shelby screamed "COMING!" as we all ran to the door. She opened it, and and standing there was the brown eyed terror named Joey.

"WhO Are aLL oF THeSe PeOplE! SHelBY Are YOU CheaTiNG oN ME?" he screamed. He ran toward her, pinning her scared wrists against the wall as she was struggling to escape. Max and Ross went to their phones and got ready to call the cops.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I screamed back as I went to pull her away from him. Parker dropped his sandwich on the ground as he tied Joey's wrists behind his back.

Liam spoke up. "Either you can go away, give us the keys, and never come back, or we can call the cops."

The man looked up with a flare of burning anger in his eyes. "The key is in my back pocket." The look on his eyes seemed almost murderous and it was apparent that he was mad.

Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out the keychain. "It's the blue key," Shelby stated. Parker loosened the purple key off the ring and put the chain back into the man's pocket. 

Parker and Liam grasped the man by both wrists and led him to the door. "If you ever come back I will torture you so much that you wished you never lived," threatened Liam. They closed the door in his face and Shelby leaned against me. I put my arm around her as we made our way to the couch. She started sobbing.

Parker spoke up. "His butt was really warm."

A/N: OMG Liam moved in with Shelby!!!!! The next chapter will probs be about that. I am so exited. We know Shelby doesn't date roommates, so this could be a new chapter in the ParkBomb story! I am so happy. Also, I watched Minecon and I'm so exited for (spoiler) DOLPHINS!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! So many new things happening and I am so gratefull for all of the positivity!!!!Also, feel free to correct me on grammer. :D

:D Lion

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