Emily (Will's POV)

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"My name is Emily," she stated while her eyes sparked with the lighting from the airplane window, her voice having a slight British lilt.

"Hi. I'm Will." I stuttered.

"I wonder if anyone is going to sit in the middle or if we get this row to ourselves," she responded while yawning.

"I was able to fly standby and I was in group 3, so there probably aren't a lot of people," I answered.

Then, a loud voice boomed over the intercom:
Hello. This is your captain. It seems that we have a pretty empty flight today. Directly to Canada. We provide free entertainment and lunch service. Make sure to have your passport for Canadian customs. We'll be on our way in a few minutes.

I looked around the plane. It seemed oddly empty. If the pilot already made the announcement, then does that mean no one is going to sit in the middle seat? I wouldn't mind sitting in a row with only Emily.

Flight crew prepare for takeoff.

Then her voice perked up. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Devon. Where are you from?"

"I'm from a small town near Liverpool," she responded casually.

We talked loosely about our vacations and our jobs until drink service came. I ordered a Coke and she ordered a tea. She put cream and sugar in it, like a proper English woman. I wonder if she got it from someone. I wonder what her home life is like.

I felt my eyes close as the altitude lulled me to sleep. If I was lucky, I could sleep through the whole flight. My world went black, pulling me into a land of dreams.

I woke up to a slight shake of turbulence. My groggy eyes opened to the slightly dimmed sight of the airplane. Each of the seats had a small screen attached to the back. The screen displayed where we are according to the GPS and how much longer before our flight would land. Mine showed 4 more hours until Canada. Next to that was the movie and TV section.

I turned to look at Emily. Her eyes were closed and her headphones were in. I decided not to bug her and decided to watch a movie.

I decided on  Emoji Movie after seeing Jacksfilms hype it up. After about an hour of sheer disappointment, I switched my screen to Spider-Man Homecoming. This was a much better movie and I admired Tom Holland, being a fellow British person.

As soon as the movie ended, I gazed out the window. I could spot lakes appearing slightly through the haze of the clouds. From my minor knowledge of American geography, I could guess that we were over the Great Lakes. My flight would probably be over shortly.

I had an urge to pull out my phone and check Twitter, but we were in the air and I can't use my phone unless it's on airplane mode. And, it will probably be another half our before we start our descent.

I'm alone with my thoughts on what happened. I love Shelby. I'm not sure if it is platonic love or just the adrenaline filled love of a crush that I am infatuated with. It was probably just spur of the moment, hyper masculine Will that wanted Shelby to keep her safe. But of course, it would have never worked out. Impulsiveness go the better of me, and while I helped get Joey out of her life, I probably also let her down by leaving as soon as I got her hopes up. I need to be there as a friend, and will probably make things worse by feeling for her romantically. She should probably just start dating Parker or something because he will always be there for her.

After another 20 or so minutes of wondering what to do with my life, my thoughts were interrupted once again by the voice over the loudspeaker.

With the voice that said Buckle your seatbelts, flight attendants get ready for descent, Emily woke up and we got all of our trash ready to put away. I turned off the screen and put up my tray table. I searched my area frantically to make sure I didn't miss anything. Once I was sure everything was with me, I sat in anticipation while looking out the window. Turbulence shook me as I felt the rubber wheels of the airplane colliding with the hard pavement below us. The thrusters were sent in reverse in effort to slow down the plane and I felt the pressure of returning back to earth. The landing is my least favorite part of the trip.

After another few short minutes, we were parked at a gate and were allowed to leave. People filed into the aisle and got their luggage out of the overhead bins. I got mine and helped Emily to get hers out too. We waited for all of the people in front of us to get out of the plane, then we left, making sure to thank the pilot and flight attendants as we did so.

Emily left to use the restroom and look around at all the overpriced airplane shops. I turned on my phone and was overwhelmed with notifications. I went on Twitter for a bit and then went onto the dreaded group messages.

Parker, Shelby and Liam were all very confused as to where I went. Graser was also in the chat, but stayed silent because he knew part of the story. Liam was the one who found my note, and was mad that I didn't check my texts sooner. Parker was indifferent, but Shelby seemed upset. After apologizing profusely and making awkward small talk, I received another text.

Grazerr XD: What arirport are you at?

Will: Ontario airport


Will: Yeah, five hours. We could meet up, but don't you have a flight to catch?

Grazerr XD: yeah but I got here 7 hours early. I'm at Tim hortons and I'm borrreddds

Will: I guess I'll be there in a few.

I put away my phone and tried to located the coffee shop on the airport map. I walked swiftly  to the area and spotted my friend, scrolling through his phone, sitting with a mug of coffee reading tweets.

A/N: it's been a while friendos, but I gave you an extra long chap so plz don't be mad. I still can't wait to see how it turns out. :D
- Leo OwO

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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