Impulse (Will's POV)

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I couldn't stop thinking about Shelby last night. I know I need to help her, but all of my solutions are way to bad. Oh well. I guess it doesn't really matter that much. If Shelbs waned my help, then I'm gonna tell her. I sent her a text.

Will: Hey! Can you go on Skype? I'm ready to talk.

My Queen (Shelby): Sure. Did you think of any ideas? I talked to Gizzy, but he was just mad.

Will: Yep! Not that good but whatevr.

There was a little while before she replied. I went ahead and opened Skype. My computer has been acting up lately, so it takes a while before actually opening.

My Queen (Shelby): Thx! ILYSO! Will get on in just a sec.

ILYSO? Doesn't that mean I love you so much? Why did she say that? I'm not sure whether she meant that as a friend or more but now is not the time. I logged in and called her. Her beautiful face showed up on screen.

"Shelby!" I said practically screaming into my mic.

"Will." she said, a lot quieter. Why was she being shy? I don't know. Oh well  I'm not good at speaking to girls.

"So. I had an idea. Change the locks on your doors and don't give him a key.  Then he can't hurt you anymore," I said.

"And?" she said.

"I don't know. Break up with him or something," I said. I instantly regretted that. It made me sound like such a jerk. I can't talk to girls. Not even girls named Graser.

"It's not as easy as you think," she said," I have been trying to. For months. He just keep coming back and I need him gone. Help me Will. I can't do it on my own."

With this, I'm not quite sure what to think. She says that she needs me. For some reason my hands start to get clammy. I can sense the helplessness in her voice now. I need to figure out a way to help her. All of a sudden, a mixture of adrenaline and fearlessness raged though my body.

"Can I come see you?" I asked. My confidence levels dropped tremendously. I hope she says yes. VidCon was so amazing. I love LA, and I can also help Shelby with her problem. Liam also said that he was going apartment hunting, so I guess I can see him, too.

"Uh... sure. I guess. When will you be coming?" she asked.

I took some time to think. This was unexpected. Why do I always have to be so impulsive. I pulled up the calendar on my phone. On my computer, I puled up flights to LA. They are so expensive, but it's worth it for Shelby.

"Next week seems like a good time. I can tell I'm going to LA for a secret project. I mean, we are doing a secret project," I suggested.

"Yeah. That seems great," she said, sounding a bit happier. I am SOOO exited to see her. I am ready to go to LA.

A/N: Have you guys given up on me yet? I actually uploaded a chapter! I know, crazy right? In all honesty, I have been "working" on this chapter for several weeks. I have started taking a college writing course (and I'm not even in high school yet). That has been taking up my free time, and even then, the course made me hate writing . I know that isn't really an excuse, but still. I'm still taking the course, so chapters will probably be short and not very often. I am SOOOOO sorry for not posting, but I hope y'all understand. XOXOXO

-Lion <3

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