Unhappy Endings and Beginnings

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Darkmoon's funeral came the next morning after his death. It was a gloomy and cloudy day, which matched everyone's moods in the Forbidden Forest.

Aqua had left the house early in the morning to get out of having to answer questions she would have to lie about. The only she left was a simple note on the counter saying she had gone out and would be back after lunch.

Having no idea how to dress, Aqua had put on a simple black top and pants with boots to keep herself from getting super soaked. Aqua trudged through puddles and small streams which had just began to form as the rain started.

     She approached the tree that concealed the entrance into the Guardian Camp and removed the vines. Aqua ducked inside the tree and covered the entrance, so no wandered eyes could find it. Since the battle that happened last night, most of the Guardian homes had not survived, but Darkmoon's house and a few others were still standing. Aqua knew with the destruction of their camp, they would be moving its location to somewhere with the very few Guardians that had managed to escape.

     As Aqua neared the end of the stairs, the darkness began to subside, but by only a little. Aqua collected herself as she crossed the bridge towards Darkmoon's house with only a dozen or so Guardians, which should of been hundreds if last night had not occurred, surrounded his house.

Seeing Firestar in front of Darkmoon's doorway caused Aqua to move in his direction since she had no idea what she should be doing. Just as Aqua got within a few feet of Firestar, he spoke to the crowd. "In honor of a brave warrior and selfless leader, we will remember him by making our traditional remembrance catchers. In case some of you have forgotten or are new to this," said Firestar looking in Aqua's direction, "I will show you how to create one." Firestar then turned into a human. "First you'll need to turn into an animal with fingers or a human for finger purposes before we start. After you have done that we can begin. We will start with the circle twig that represents the circle of life where one Guardian dies, another is reborn. Next you will take the twin," Firestar lifts up the twine to show the crowd, "and weave it in and out to create a web effect which represents how we are all connected to each other with a strong bond. Then as you near the center with the twine you will attach it to this parchment." Said Firestar lifting up the parchment. "After that, you will use more twine and from the base of the circle you will make four or five strands that come down and attach eagle feathers after you have turned into an eagle to get the feathers. This represents how Darkmoon will forever soar in the heavens above. For the final touch you will dip your paw into the black liquid and put your paw print or hand print in the center representing how Darkmoon has made his own special mark on each and everyone of us."

     After he had finished his instructions the wolves filed into Darkmoon's house and grabbed supplies to start on the remembrance catchers. Aqua was the last one in the house grabbing supplies as she walked over to Firestar, who was standing in the corner back still in his wolf form. "You okay?" She asked."I'm fine," lied Firestar.

     "You don't look fine," replied Aqua taking in his tired eyes and angry but solemn expression. "I know you're taking on a big responsibility being the new Guardian leader, so if you need someone to confide in, my shoulder is always free." "Thanks Aqua," said Firestar trying his best to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. Aqua intertwined their fingers trying to console him and led him out the door.

     Aqua went over to stable where all the Guardians were in human form working on their remembrance catchers. Many of them talked about personal experiences with Darkmoon and how he had affected them and their lives. Others sat with the remaining friends and family they had and cried.

     Aqua took a seat at one wooden table at the end that had no one at it. She sat in silence and worked recalling her time with Darkmoon. Even though she had only know him for a short amount of time, he had taught her so much. He had taught her how to fight, work with others, and never underestimate her opponents.

A single tear rolled down Aqua's cheek as she mourned the one wolf that had felt like a father to her for the time he was with her. As everyone finished up their remembrance catchers, they hung them on the outside of Darkmoon's house to see. Now that the rain had stopped and the sun was setting, everyone started pulling out candles and lighting them.

Dusk had settled upon them as the last of the candles were lit, light up the houses and trees in a beautiful way. Then Firestar appears followed by two wolves with wood planks fastened to their backs carrying a very large wooden box covered with dark blue carved symbols. All the Guardians followed the wolves carrying Darkmoon's body as they reached ground level, but instead of it being completely dark, it was quite the opposite. From where the Guardians stood, their path in front of them was illuminated by carefully placed candles that seemed to dance as a light breeze blowed.

Firestar followed the path lit by candles deep into the forest where giant logs had been placed in a clearing where you could see every star in the sky above. The Guardians carrying Darkmoon's body set it on a metal stand in the middle of the large logs. Firestar, in human form, was holding a torch in his hand and set the kindling underneath the large logs on fire. As the fire started to expand the metal stand, Darkmoon's casket started to burn. "As we shed our tears of sorrow Darkmoon's spirit and soul shall live on in the heavens forever alongside the other greats like stars in the sky," said Firestar speaking to the small crowd.

     As Darkmoon's body burned, it turned into a sparkly blue as it floated toward the night sky and disappeared into the heavens.

     After many shed tears and storytelling of fun times spent with Darkmoon, everyone began to head home under the cover of night. Aqua entered her backyard and walked around to the front door before using her key to enter. The downstairs lights were off, so Aqua crept upstairs toward her bedroom. When she opened her door Stota was sitting on her bed. "Where have you been?" He demanded.  "I told you I needed a little time to myself. And a friend needed me," replied Aqua a little too defensive.

     "You can't go leaving the house for an entire day. I was worried about you," stated Stota as he got up from the bed. "Sure you were," Aqua replied sarcastically rolling her eyes. "Don't you dare take that tone with me young lady," said an angry Stota.

     Aqua tried to control her anger. She tried counting which usually helped her, but she had run out of patience so when the next words flew out of her mouth there was no way she could take them back. "Or what you'll kill me like you killed my parents!" Stota looked like he had just been punched in the gut. "How do you know that?" He asked as he walked closer to her then he saw the black string around her neck , he pulled it out revealing the sapphire blue tear-shaped necklace. Without warning or a response, he yanked the necklace off her neck. Then ran out of her room, shut the door, and locked it. "Let me out!" Yelled Aqua as she banged on the door. "I don't know how you know what happened, but I'm not letting you out until you tell me."

     "Never!" Aqua responded. "Then go ahead and starve!" Said Stota as he headed toward his bedroom into his closet where his safe was and locked the necklace inside. Aqua sunk to the floor and began to cry. What was she going to do now?

Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will be posting another in a few days so stay turned. Also I'm not a big fan of the name remembrance catchers, so if you come up with a new name I will give you full credit and your name will be at the beginning of the next chapter for special thanks.

Aqua and Firestar (rough version of The Water Warrior)(Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now