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I forgive you. Because you know I'm strangling to death every nightLike chains shackling to the past, I will no longer pollute my heart with bitterness, distress, fear or anger. I forgive you because I believe if you hate someone, you'll be able to find another way of holding on, so I'm forgetting you. You dont belong here anymore.-MsGrotesque



You have to express yourself with a smile written on your face.
But, how can I smile with tears in my eyes?
How can I smile if there's no smile left for me?
I can smile but, that doesn't mean I'm happy.
I thought the smile of yours

Is the weapon to change everything.
But, why?

When the monsters came,
Those smiles became the thorns of the roses

They don't really make people feel at ease
Smile make people die.
---I would have die of smiling.

She's been broken.
She went through a lot
And she seems to be just like a fragile when you passed by.

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