Are You Serious? (Chapter 8)

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~ Madeline's P.O.V ~

~ About 11 months later ~

“Thomas, we have about an hour left and we still have nothing!” I sigh and shake my head.

Nath and I’s 1 year is coming up later on this week and I haven’t got him anything yet!

The boys have their day off today and I need help. Like always, Nathan’s in the studio and the rest of the boys except for Thomas went out to an amusement park or something.

I don’t know, they said something about Disneyland, then Universal something something something, I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention.

Tomtom wanted to go with them but I didn’t let him, I need his help! I’ve gotten along with Parker really well, he’s such a dick but he’s always there for me.

I asked Paige but she was working today. We’ve been at the mall for about 3 hours now and we’re still gift-less!

While walking around the mall for the 4th time, Thomas points at something. “THAT!  HE WOULD LOVE THAT!”

I look over to where he was pointing. My face went blank. “OH, PFT Yeah, he’d go crazy! Look at how beautiful the tutu is!” (-_-) “Might as well get him matching ballet shoes as well!” I smile sarcastically. Thomas’ face: (-_-‘’’).

“No! Nidiot!” He turns my head and points again. “The jersey...” It was a Manchester United jersey.

“But doesn’t he already have one?” I asked.

“No! He was planning on getting one soon though!” Thomas said with a big smile. He probably thinks he’s a genius. Lol.

“That’s actually a GREAT idea! OH MY GOD! I’LL GET HIS NAME AT THE BACK!” I got all excited.

“Then I can get a number! OR I CAN PUT SOMETHING TOTALLY RANDOM AS THE NAME! OH NO NO NO WAIT, is it possible to get his face stitched or like glued, or whatever on?” I was hyperventilating; I take a deep breath and calm down.

“Geez, calm down woman! Let’s go get it!” Thomas says patting my back.

“NO! I’m getting micromidget on the back.”

“Okay, Madeline... okay.” He shakes his head and laughs.

I walk out of the store with the jersey in a box. The jersey says micromidget at the back and the number 24. It may not be his favorite number, but it’s mine! Mwahaha!

When I gave the worker the piece of paper with what I wanted on the back, he gave me this look as if I were a psycho or something.

Thomas and I tried not to laugh as hard as we could but he just bursted out laughing.

When I get home, I’m going to wrap the box in really girly pink wrapping paper, that’s genius!

When we got to my house, Thomas parked in front of my drive way.

On the way back Nathan sent texted saying he’s stopping by and that he’ll be here soon. He thinks I’m at home so I’ve got to run in, hide the box and change.

“Don’t mention any of this to the boys! Especially Jay! I know for a fact he’ll spill!” “What am I supposed to say when they ask me where I was?” “I don’t know, use your peanut! Say you went to the gym or something! Thanks for everything Tomtom! You’re the best!” I gave him a quick hug and I ran inside.

My parents were out for dinner and won’t be home until probably after 11, I guarantee it and it’s only 6.

Running into my room I hide the box under a pile of clothes in my closet and change into sweats and a random tee. I wash my face and tie up my hair. I throw my text books onto my bed so it looks like I’ve been studying.

After about 5 minutes the doorbell rings. I open the door to let him in.

“How was your day darling?” I kiss him and close the door. He looked exhausted but still cute.

He had his white v-neck on with his glasses. “We barely did anything! It was a very unproductive day...” he chuckles. “We ordered pizza and played tag in the studio!” “ahahah, isn’t my boyfriend mature?”

We head up to my room and just chill for a bit. Not long after he arrived, maybe about 20 minutes we got into another argument. It was like our 3rd argument this week!

“Who you texting?” He’s always curious about everything I do.

“Damian. My friend?” I reply. “We’re going to have lunch tomorrow! I haven’t seen him in a while!”

He stops what he’s doing and turns to me, “Alone?”

“Well, yeah I’ve known since the 7th grade!”

He doesn’t reply for a couple seconds. “Whatever. Do what you want.”

“What’s your problem yo? I’ve known him since forever.” I was starting to get ticked off.

“What do you mean, what’s my problem? You’re going out with some guy I don’t even know, alone.” His voice got a bit louder.

“He’s a FRIEND. He’s not someone I randomly met. You can’t be mad.”

“I don’t know who this guy is, and I don’t trust him. But whatever, do what you please.” He gets up and walks over to the shelf.

I get off the bed and argue, “Why are you getting mad?! I have to sit here and be okay with you kissing and hugging random girls EVERY DAY and I don’t complain. And now just because I’m having LUNCH with one of my good friends that just so happens to be a guy, you freak out and go all over-protective motherly on me. I DON’T GET IT.”

Right after I said that, he turns to me quickly. “It’s my job Madeline! Those “random girls” are our fans. They’ve supported us from the beginning, what am I supposed to do? IGNORE THEM?”

“Yeah well Damian is my FRIEND. I’ve known him YEARS before I even MET you! We’re just having lunch for ONE DAY.”  I snap back.

“You know what? I’m done arguing with you. Have fun with Damian tomorrow.”

He grabs his jacket and walks out of my room, slamming the door. I can hear him stomping down the stairs, getting into his car, and driving away aggressively.

            I just sit on my bed in silence, trying to lock away the tears. “UGH! That’s what I get for being in love with a famous guy.”

I'll Show You Love: Just The BeginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora