A Loss For Words (Chapter 10)

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~ Madeline's P.O.V ~

Wait wait wait wait. What... The fuck is going on here? I hope what it looks like happened last night, DIDN'T happen. Well I was sleeping in THOMAS' bed... yes THOMAS. My boyfriend's bestfriend/bandmate.

This shirt sure as hell ain't mine, so it must be his... So, I was wearing his shirt, I had no pants on... and he just came out in a towel.

Okay this is just too much. I needed to know what happened last night. I don't remember a thing.

I get up off the bed, and quickly run towards him panicking. "Thomas, tell me now what happened last night. I completely blanked out after I-"

Pulling me into his arms, and kissing my forehead, he giggles, "Don't worry love, nothing happened between us last night."

Sighing in relief I die onto his bed. "ohhh thank goddddd!"

He walks over to his closet door, and scans through his closet. But wait, why was I pants-less? Where did he sleep? "What happened yesterday?" I sit up on his bed.

"I heard what happened yesterday... Max told me" He pauses.

"And yeah, he said you were really upset and stuff. We tried calling you. I called you a lot. Until you finally replied to my text."

'I remember replying to you..."

"Then after, you called me and you were like, waaaasted. When I say wasted, I mean, WASTED. I couldn't understand what you were saying."

"Oh man, really? I swear I've only had a couple shots..."

"I came looking for you and found you on the curb, you ran towards me hugging and crying. I took you back to my place, you crashed on my bed. You wanted something sleep in so I just let you where that.

The whole night you were pouring your emotions out to me, for the whole night. Literally. But I slept on the floor, so you don't have to worry about anything."

I got up and wrapped my arms around him. He was still kind of wet from his shower but I didn't care. "Thomas, you're amazing. Thank you for everything."

I look up at him and smile, he was about to say something but a loud disturbing noise interrupts. At the corner of my eye I saw the door swing open.

We both look over and saw 2 guys standing at the door. One guy had headphones around his neck with brown hair, the other one with dirty blonde curly hair was standing behind him. It was Nathan and Jay.

We all stood in our tracks for a couple seconds. I could see Nathan's hands cringing together. "WHAT THE FUCK" He shouts. He was facing Thomas. "Nathan listen, it's not-" Thomas explains as he turns so his body is facing Nath.

Nathan takes a step forward, his face was getting red. It looked like he was going to go Hulk on us, but... he wasn't green.... "NATHAN!" Jay pulls him back.

Nath takes a deep breath, "I can't believe you." He furiously walks out the door. "WAIT!" I tried running for him, but Jay pulls on my arm. "Give him some space." Jay was looking directly in my eyes. "I'll talk to him." He gives Thomas a nod, and jogs away trying to catch up with Nathan.

Are you serious?! I didn't really react much because now I know that he knows how I feel, or felt.

"Jay doesn't know what happened, what the hell is he going to do?" I panicked to Thomas.

"I'll text him, and tell him what actually happened so he could tell Nathan, or something?" I nodded and sat on his bed.

My eyes wandered around his room. Wow, now that I'm taking everything in his room in. I could automatically tell that this was Thomas' room. The theme was kind of rocker-ish. You know, with cds, guitars, leather jackets, and stuff? The other boys weren't really like this, they all had their own kind of style.

"Oh uhm, I think I should really... put my pants on..." I embarrassly said.

"hah, yes. right. the pants." He scrambles through the floor of his room in search of my pants. Lol, that sounds funny.

Thomas insisted that we'd go out for something to eat, because I was a bit hungover and he was just hungry. Sitting in the middle of Burger King throwing fries at each other, oh yes. We are so cool.

I was staring out the window, thinking about everything that was going on. But an unanticipated virbration of the table interrupted my train of thought.

"So Jay explained what happened to Nathan." Tom started. "And...?" I desperately asked. "Well Nath was furious at first, but then he cooled down. He just needs some time and space to breathe." Okay. Thank god Nathan understood what happened.


I was at home now, Thomas dropped me off and left to Jay's flat. We'd figure that Nathan would be with Jay. I've texted Nathan a couple times but he still isn't answering. I don't know what's going on, he knew what happened.

Right now I'm just texting a couple friends from school, Thomas, and Jay. My parents were downstairs making dinner, though I just ate.

"maddie I have something really important I need to explain to you." I gave this text a stern look.

"Sure jay, go ahead ;o" I reply. Okay now he's got me thinking, he better reply fast.

I place my phone down on my shelf and jump onto my bed. As I wait for his text I'm strolling through my twitter and facebook. I have just about 20k followers now, wow the last time I checked I only had like 8k.

I'll just talk to some of the fans, and answer questions. After answering a couple my phone vibrates on the shelf. I roll over like a ninja turtle and grab my phone.

"I don't know if you're going to believe this but you know when you walked in on Nathan the other day? Not going to go in with the details because I know you're still hurting from that but listen, it wasn't what it looked like. The day after it happened Nathan explained what happened and believe it or not, Paige intruded Nathan's house and was all over him. That horrendous bitch wouldn't get off him after the several times he told her to back off! So it was just a misunderstanding. Like what happened with you and Tomtom."

Wow. I can't believe this motherfucking stupid son of a bitch little boyfriend stealing fruitcake. So my "bestfriend" tried to hook up with my boyfriend.

And my boyfriend thought I tried to hook up with his bestfriend. What the fuck is wrong with my life. Why am I always the one that's always being victimized. I need to talk to Nathan, like ASAP. 

I've been texting and calling him for the last hour, but no luck. As I refresh and scroll down my timeline, I see that Nathan has been tweeting. "now you know how I feel". He tweeted this 9 minutes ago.

SO HE HAS BEEN GETTING MY TEXTS AND CALLS. Fuck this. I'm calling Thomas. I dial Thomas' number as I'm still in disbelief. I explain to him what happened, but Nathan wasn't with him or Jay. Or at least that's what he said.

"I really need to talk to him, if you find out from any of the other boys where he is, can you text me asap?" I ask.

"Yeah sure. But I have an idea. You know how the Billboards are tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, and how is this relevant in this situation?"

"Just listen to me Maddie. There's an after party tomorrow, and we all get to bring a couple friends and stuff and we hangout and do a small gig."


"If you don't get a hold of him by tomorrow, come to the after party and you can talk to him there."

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