Just By The Look In His Eyes (Chapter 14)

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~ Madeline's P.O.V ~

While I attempt rolling over to onto my back, I fall unexpectedly off the bed. I immediately flutter my eyes open, wait. This was not my room? Oh right, hah almost forgot what happened last night.

Arching my back I tilt my head backwards to see the time on the clock on the shelf behind me. "Mornin' babe! Aha, what're you doing on the floor?" I lift my head back up.

Thomas walked in with a tray in his hands chuckling. I rolled my eyes and shot him a short grin. "Stop laughing and help me up would ya?" I lifted both my arms out gesturing him to help pull me up. 

He walked over after placing the tray on the bed and grabbed both of my hands pulling me into his arms. His arms wrapped around my neck as I wrap my arms around his back resting my head on his chest.

"Why you up so early? It's only 9!" I said looking up at him. Instantly smiling, he looked over at the tray. "I made you breakfast!" I pull away from his arms and we both sat down on the bed.

"Aw, THOMAS! You didn't have too! You're too sweet!" I lean over and wrap my arms around him playfully kissing him on the cheek.

He chuckles, "Stop calling me Thomas! You're the only person that calls me that other than my grandmum!" Looking at me with a pouty face I pinch his nose, "Well I like the name Thomas okay Thomas! I won't stop calling you Thomas now because you don't like it when I call you Thomas!"

His face went blank, I knew what was coming.

I tried to get off the bed and run away but he grabbed me by the waist and tackled me onto the floor. "What's my name again? What is it?" He tickled me to a point where I couldn't breathe.

"Okay okay TOM TOM TOM OKAY!" I was laughing non-stop until he pinned my shoulders down. "From now on, every time you call me Thomas, I will tickle you! Okay?" He offered with a devious grin.

I look away with a pouty face, and crossed my arms. He leaned in a gave me a quick peck, and then got off me. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" The mood in the atmosphere changed, he had a serious face on.

I got up from my back and crossed my legs, "Yeah sure, what's up Thomayyauuuu...Tom?" My eyes widened and I smiled worriedly.

"Hahaha, nice save." I dropped the act, and sighed in relief. "Okay, so... you're aware of what happened yesterday, right?" I nodded my head, and gave him a slight unsure smile.

"Uhm.. well.. I just..." He paused. "Just say it Tomtom!" I pushed his shoulder and smiled. He took a hold of my hand.

"I just want you to know that I have always had feelings for you and ever since what happened with Nathan I just fell for you harder! And I don't know how this will end up but I hope it's a yes, but will you be my girlfriend?!" He let out in one breath.

I pulled my hand away and looked at the floor. "I..." I remained silent for a bit. 

"So...?" He said lifting up my chin looking straight into my eyes. "Do you think it's right?" I finally let out.

"I don't care if it's right or not, as much as I love Nath... I love you too." I smiled, "Alright, we'll give it a shot, but can you please, please not tell the other boys?"

A huge smile formed across his face as he jumped up onto his feet. "Yes! Yes! I promise!" He lifted me up and span me around.

"Ahaha okay Tomtom, put me down so we can eat before these omelettes get cold!"

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