This Heartbreaker (Chapter 12)

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~ Jay’s P.O.V ~

As I finish my verse of the song, I look over to Nathan; who was reaching over into the crowd. It was his verse, which was the chorus of I’ll Be Your Strength.

A very beautiful blonde appears on the stage holding Nathan’s hand. She was quite gorgeous if I must say so me self. Long curly blonde hair, killer smile, bright blue eyes. I’m quite jealous of Nath actually, but what is he doing?

Him and Maddie are still together, right? Well, they can’t be... Nathan wouldn’t pull a girl on stage and sing to her like this. Especially with this song; this very song in particular. And Madeline will most definitely not be okay with this.

He was holding her hand, looking her straight into the eyes, smiling and singing to her like he was in love. I shift my eyes to the crowd, scanning it to see if I could find Madeline anywhere. 

~ Madeline’s P.O.V ~

Taking a deep breath I lift up my head from the sink so I could look at my reflection. My nose was red; mascara was running down from my right eye. I gave myself a long hard stare.

Though I knew I was still insanely in love with Nathan, I knew it was over. I guess some things just aren’t meant to be. I walk into the first stall in to the right and rip off some toilet paper.

The sounds of their voices are still buzzing. I sweep the piece of toilet paper under my eyes and reapplied some mineral powder. I need to go; I need to get out of here. Being in the same place with that heartbreaker, and watching him passionately sing to another girl that’s beyond stunning was too much for me.

I wanted to claw my eyes out and drown myself in tears. I know I should at least tell one of the boys that I was leaving, but I don’t want any of them coming for me.


            I got my father to come pick me up at the McDonalds just down the road from the place of the after-party. As soon as I got home, I showered and changed. It was half past 1am and I was laying there on my bed staring at the ceiling.

This is pathetic, I’m done chasing him. I’ve tried, and tried, and tried but he just won’t listen to me. I’ve done nothing wrong, but why do I still have the urge to try and get him back? No. I don’t need him in my life if he doesn’t need me.

As the thought of receiving many tweets from his fans after they find out about our breakup, I remember than my twitcon was a picture of both of us. Yeah... that needs to be changed. I look through some recent pictures of myself on my laptop and upload one as my new twitcon.


A couple days have pasted and I think I’m putting up a good fight against myself. I haven’t heard a word from Nathan yet, but I’m still texting Thomas. I don’t text Tomtom as much as I did, but he just likes to check up on me just in case. 

It’s half past noon and our family was having a reunion BBQ. While everyone was downstairs and in the backyard, I was in the bathroom upstairs doing my hair. I orginally had my hair natural (wavy) for the BBQ, but I got bored.

As I straighten my hair, I’m texting Thomas as well. The conversation was going normal, like usual but then he asked, “So how u doing? x”

I figured that he was asking about the whole break up. I don’t really want to talk about it but you know, you can’t keep everything bottled up inside. So I replied with,

“Uhm, the whole getting over him is kind of in progress... lol. Why?”  

“still love him huh? And nuthin just askin! x”

“Well yeah, it’s only been like what, 4 days since we broke up? Haha. x”

“thats true, but it seems like hes been kind of down lately...”

“really? Well what am I supposed to do, I can’t do anything anymore really...”

“ya. I know but were all pretty sure its cuz of u! lol xx”

“I don’t think so. He was the one that broke up with me and sang his heart out to some other chick. But do you know if he still loves me? :\”

“none of us know y he did that, guess it was just for a fan. lol. & i honestly dont know. i dont really want to ask him tho...”

The conversation about that kind of died off, and turned into a conversation about what the sexiest animal is. LMAO. IDK.

~ Nathan’s P.O.V ~

Skipping down the steps of the stairs, I walk into the kitchen. As I pass by the living room, Jay was sitting on the couch with Max watching TV.

I walk over to the fridge with my feet dragging across the floor. Tom was sitting on a stool with a bowl of salad and his phone in front of him. “Aye mate! What time is that gig later on today?” I asked taking the jug of milk out of the fridge.

He looks up from his phone and glanced over to the clock. “Ah, in about 2 hours... ish...” He says and looks back at his phone.

“Shit, we should start getting ready then!” I said pouring the milk into a glass, but he remains quiet. I tilt my head giving him a look, and lean in onto the counter.

“Who you texting there?” Tom pulls his phone back quickly into his pocket. “No one! I'm just... on Twitter!” Something about the tone in his voice was suspicious. Leaning up against the fridge drinking my milk I watch him get up and put his bowl into the sink.

“Yeah we should start getting ready now... I’m going to go shower!” he says walking past me out of the kitchen. As he walks by the living room, he tells the other lads to start getting ready. 

I hear one of the bathroom doors closing and the doorknob locking. I quietly tiptoe up the stairs towards his room.

Pushing the door slowly I take a peek inside. He was in the shower so I decided to snoop around his room looking for his phone. I spot his iPhone on his bed, so I walk over to it slowly trying not to make a sound.

Opening his messages I see Madeline’s name first, which mean she was the last person he texted. He still talks to Madeline? I scroll up the conversation and read it all.

After reading every word I still stare at the point with an expression of a brick thinking to myself. The sound of the water from the shower turning off triggered me, I quickly type down the words, “& yes, Nathan still loves you”, closed the messages, and went back to the home screen.

I quickly drop his phone back on his bed and tiptoe as fast as I can to get out of the room asap.

I'll Show You Love: Just The BeginningHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin