17) Tooth

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Quickish A/n

1: Thanks for so many reads 1.1k!

2: another thanks for all the awesome feedback I got on the last chapter and really just the whole book thanks so much! <3

Anyway! Onto the story!

Ryans P.o.v

"WEELLLLCCOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEE TO ANOTHHERRR DAY AT DAYCCAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I shouted and walked in. "Hey Ryan!" Everyone said. Man I feel like a boss when everyone says that. "Hey guys! My tooth is wobbling!" Shouted Y/n excited. "Why are you excited this seems serious!" I said worried. What if she has a disease that makes your teeth fall out called uhm Toothafall?! "Are you dumb ryan!" She giggled. "HOW ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS!" I yelled. "Its normal your baby teeth fall out in order to make your adult teeth come" she said. I sighed in relief. Then matt walked into the room with bruises. "I never got the pizza" he said and fainted. Everyone who was at the sleep just laughed. Suddenly he woke up. "What happened director?" I asked pretending to not know. "Well I got a text saying I love you baby! And my wife beat me with a stick even though it was 'Pizzas Pizza Place'" he said. "About that. Genine." Wolfy said. Genine stepped foward and pinched her nose. "This is Pizzas Pizza Place sorry you didnt get your order of spicy veggie supreme pizza we ran out" "YOU!" He said. "Ill take care of him genine." Said Y/n. She pulled out a gun and shot the director. (#StopMattAbuse) (jk its funny) "You really take from ryan." Said Ash. I blew the tip of the gun. "I know." 

 Later that  day.

Your P.o.v

"Hey I'm bored!" I shouted to everyone. Ryan came over. "Wanna play worms?" He said. "Whats worms?" I asked. You lay on your tummy and crawl around. "Okay!" I said. We layed and crawled until. "OWW!" I screamed. Danny ran over with Genine. Izzy ran over with shark. Kitty ran over with sabre. Faith amd Ash ran over with Dave. Wolfy ran over with jay. "Whats wrong?!" Ryan asked. "You kicked my tooth out!" She said tears were rolling down her cheeks. "Let me see" ryan said putting his fingers on my chin lifting up my head. "Uhm Y/n did you have two teeth wobbly?" Said ryan. Crab! "No." I said trying to stay calm. "Two are gone." He said. "Well we need to find them... After Ive washed my mouth." I said. I went and washed my mouth off blood. "Alright If we find the teeth I get at least 2 pounds!" I said. We all scavenged for the teeth. "I found one!" Shouted Ryan. "Where!" I said. "Under here!" He said. I got a potion of strength from my beginners witch set. I drunk it lifted up the sofa and got my tooth. "Yes! And theres the otehr one!" I said smiling

New at daycare, Ryguyrocky x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora