Chapter 1-10

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  Two weeks, and 4 days till I meet them. It's all so exciting, I can hardly wait.

  "C'mon Natalie! We're gonna be late!"Katie shouts.

   Katie has been my friend since kindergarten, and has loved them for as long as I have. Her brown hair, and green eyes always seemed so exoctic but thrilling to me. She's super tan, and has the perfect figure.  She wouldn't seem like the type to like kpop, but trust me, she does. Besides her perfect looks, her personality is something else. She's like one of those cute looking comedians, that have a huge amount of sarcasm.

  "Katie, the plane doesn't leave till 12:00, it's only 10:30" I reply back. I grab my deadpool shirt out of my sweet pea colored dresser. I'm not fond of pink, but its better when I paint BTS all over it. I enjoy drawing and painting the BTS members, it makes me feel like there here with me.

    I know that every BTS fan has a bias, but I believe every member deserves the same amount of love as any other one. I've never met them In person, but that's fixing to change soon. Me and Katie have tickets to their concert finally after 2 years of saving up. There aren't many kpop lovers at our school, but me and Katie don't mind it really, we just think that it means we can keep BTS to ourselves.

   "Natalie I swear if you don't hurry up, you'll find yourself sitting at the airport without your ticket!" Katie shouts walking up the stairs.

   Sometimes Katie really gets on my nerves, but I've learned to ignore her. I put up my blonde colored hair in a ponytail, and put on smokey gray eyeshadow to match the gray dots in my blue eyes. I'm about 5'4, and considered nearly the shortest person in the Sophomore class at Florida State University.

    I live in Chipley, which is small, but it's a simple town. Everybody knows eachother, so we don't have to worry about not knowing anyone, until someone new moves into town. We've all known eachother since kindergarten,  so its not hard to know when something is wrong with someone.
   My hobby is drawing, and I've been drawing BTS ever since they started. People tell me that my drawings catch their looks. Now every artist critisizes themselves, but I believe that it's a good thing, because, hey the more you critisize the better you get.

   I grab my red converse, and slip them on. I look around my room, one last time before I get on a plane to South Korea. I grab my sketchbook,pencils, and my phone, starting my way down the stairs. Katie literally lunges at me as I put my phone in my pocket, causing me to nearly fall.


   "It's about time miss perfect, c'mon!"Katie says, grabbing my arm, pulling me down the stairs.

   When I go downstairs, the air is filled with the aroma of chocolate.  My mom is a choclatier, so our house always has the essence of chocolate.

   "Good morning sleepy head, choclate pancakes are in the microwave, I didn't want them to get cold." She says, with an apron tied around her, stirring something that looks like melted white choclate, with milk choclate swirls.
My mom has always been beautiful. Her black hair, and light blue eyes always brings a smile to someone. Her olive colored skin, and perfect body shape makes me jealous really. She could have became a model if she wanted to.

   I'm my daddy's girl. I have his dark blue eyes, blonde hair, and his sarcasm. I have my moms figure though. The only flaw I have is my fair skin. I'm not the snow white skin color, but sorta inbetween olive, and snow white.

   "Okay, thanks mom." I say, grabbing them out of the microwave. After smelling choclate all of my life, it gets kind of old, but I don't mind it really.

   "Mrs. Farcry, is it okay if I take Natalie now? We've got a long drive." Katie says, as I take a bite out of the pancakes. The warm, fluffy, sweet taste always makes me smile.

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